Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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only if there is physical genocide... or maybethe conscience will grow if the genocide hasan ecological root. The physical bloodymutilations mobilize the people; the culturalamputations are not even dealt with asgenocide. Both manifestations areabominable because they make an attempton the human person and his integrity. But itlooks as thogh materialism based on biology,outdated but in force, gives more importanceto the truncated parts of the body than tothe amputations and lynching of the soul,the spirit of nations. It might seem that it isconsidered more terrible to use a prosthesisto substitute the mutilation of one memberof our body than being without freedom andoxygen needed for the subjetivity of theperson and the community.What reductionist concept of cultureunderlies in this overcome dichotomy aboutthe inseparable unity of all the dimensions ofthe human person? Why is the physicalagression denounced more frequently andwith more belligerency in the internationalarena? Invasions, assaults and violenceinflicted on the spirit of each human beingand on the plural and multicolored souls ofentire nations are avoided. Why?Today’s world walks hemiplegic, limping onits right or left foot. A qualifying disease asfalse and hypocrit as the pseudo-culturesimposed by politicians according to which, ifwe are going to criticize, standing on oneside, we have to get vaccinated on the otherside.Ready then, to state our opinion about therelationship between culture, politics andsociety in Cuba, we first submit ourselves tothis mania for inmunization against theextremes. Thus, we can condemn thecultural genocides against the indigenouscommunities of yesterday and today. We cancriticize consumer banalities which overflowthe West and the East. We can even defendnations with entire histories and souls which,in the middle of the 21 st century still don’thave access to political sovereignty or togeographic settlements. We should regretthe inter-ethnic genocides, or the violentmanipulation of religions and genocidesagainst them or sectarianisms.About these topics and about the topics on aglobalization with double strabismus, andabout the world capitalist crisis, the globalwarming, the nuclear proliferation and theimpossibility of some vulnerable sectors ofsociety to express themselves the way theywish, in the United States, in France or in GreatBritain, we can criticize and express ourselvesfreely in Cuba.But beware, when the same thing is intended tobe done about Cuba, by persons or foreigngroups, friends of Cuba, which even considerthemselves to have a left-wing ideologicalinpiration or political bias, then they are said tobe promoting “anti-culture”, they are said to becapitalized; there is a politization and thesepersons are considered mercenaries ormanipulated, or naive, but they are neverconsidered as legitimate expresions of ourunquestionable cultural diversity.The honesty of the ones who come to Cuba toexpress what bothers them and is dangerous intheir countries, is not enough to put themselvesin the place of Cubans, women and men, whohave chosen to live and stay in their countryand don’t agree with something, even when it isa light disagreement, with the official totum.This is what makes us think that hypocrisy hasglobalized itself and has landed in Cuba. Webelieve that the double standards haveglobalized themselves and make LatinAmericans and Europeans to consider normal inCuba what they would consider anunacceptable tragedy in their own countries. Weare not speaking only about artists, NobelPrizes, writers of worldwide stature, but alsopoliticians, religious persons and academicians.These “cultural expressions” are not the oneswe are referring to when we say that the mostauthentic way of promoting culture is to openthe door of the structures, the windows of thesoul and the spaces of the human spirit so thatit can express itself the way it is, with freedom,responsability and inclusive respect.The diplomacy of mercantile interests above theuniversally recognized human rights leads to aclear lack of ethics.On the other hand it is regrettable to asurethat: “We have our final objectives clear”although “in order to achieve them Europe hasto fall within the Cuban strategy...” We believeEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 201239

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