Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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liberation, where values can be plantedand virtues can be fertilized and alsoprojects for justice and peace.- Our growing civil society to be more andmore plural, autonomous, responsible,supportive, respectful of the opponents,builder of unity in diversity, school ofdemocracy, a source of social andpolitical commitment, a workshop forparticipation and dialogue.- The Cuban government to be open todialogue, change, renovation anddemocracy with absolute respect for allHuman Rights of all Cubans. May thepower be to serve and may the servicebe for coexistence in its highest degree.- Cuba to open itself up to the world andbe inserted in the internationalcommunity with normality once therelations between the government andthe citizens are normalized so that theworld opens itself up to a new Cuba thatdoes not block freedom or theenterprising spirit of its sons anddaughters. Let the change we long forcome. The changes we all need. Theprogress and happiness we all deserve.You, Sweet Mother were the StarThat announced the dawning of peace.Don’t forsake your Children, Oh Mother:Save Cuba from weeping and eagerness!And your name will be our shieldAnd your grace will be our shelter.Pinar del Río, September 8 thOn the 400th anniversary of the Virgin of LaCaridad(1) Ajiaco (figurative): the name of a soup made upof many different ingredients(2) A national dance(3) Caridad: Charity(4) Another national dance(5) The national bird(6) Women who fought for freedom in Cuba duringthe 19th century(7) Fighters for freedom in the 19th centuryCuba and La Caridad, the first free slaves andthe mambises (7), the descendants of Africansand Spaniards , natives and Chinese, freeCreoles and unimpeachable Cubans have unitedthemselves throughout four centuries to turnthis Island into the Pearl of the West Indies andthe faithful of The Americas, so now that wecome to the 400 years of this pilgrimagetoward freedom and happiness, we join theones who have united themselves as Cubans,women and men, throughout these centuries asCubans, to sing or recite this Official Hymn ofLa Caridad del Cobre. These verses summarizeall of our feelings, pains and hopes:Hail, Hail, Delights from Heaven.Pure Virgin, Supreme Beauty.Hail, lofty Patron Saint of Cuba.Lovely Mother: La Caridad.In the beautiful regions of Cuba,Lady, you chose to have altarsTo make them mansions of wondersAnd fill men with joy.When tears were your children’s breadAnd terrible anxiety was your children’s lifeEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 2012127

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