Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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CUBA MUST RATIFY THE COVENANTSON HUMAN RIGHTS THAT HAVE BEEN SIGNEDEditorial 18. Nov-Dec-2010. <strong>Convivencia</strong> Magazine. www.convivenciacuba.esThe human rights and the civic duties are thebasis and the measuring stick to promoteand evaluate the pacific and prosperouscohabitation of the nations.This is a conviction that has grownthroughout the history of humankind andreached its highest degree with the adoptionof the Universal Declaration on HumanRights by the United Nations Organization onthe tenth of December 1948. Cuba was thenthe country that had the honour to submitthe Declaration to the Plenary of theAssembly to be voted. It was presented bythe person of Guy Pérez Cisneros, who was aCuban academician, an art critic and adiplomat. Cuba had also made a contributionto the text while it was drafted.Those 30 rights passed by the UnitedNations are universal, indivisible andinalienable thus it is impossible that they beascribed to some cultures or countries andnot ascribed to others. Ones from the otherscannot be separated, for instance, the civicand political Rights cannot be violated withthe justification of guaranteeing theeconomic, social and cultural rights or viceversa. They cannot be either alienated orunknown or falsely interpreted and theycannot be violated by any authority or powerno matter how strong or legitimate it is. Therights are intrinsic to human nature and thusinseparable from the dignity and happinessof each one and all persons.The Universal Declaration of Human Rights isthen a source and inspiration for all of thosewho work and fight pacifically throughoutthe world for the spreading, the education andthe defence of all of the human rights for all ofus.This step made in 1948 was the most maturestep of civilized humankind, however, it wasonly a non-binding declaration that is, it is notlegally mandatory for the States to enforce it ormake it to be enforced. It only obliges morally,ethically, which is already enough.That is why after one decade, the veryOrganization of the United Nations promotedthe drafting of two Universal Covenants, which,after being freely adopted by the nations of theworld became legally binding instruments andthey are entirely mandatory on the part of thesigning governments and on the part of all ofthe citizens as well.Thus on the 16 th of December 1966, those twoCovenants were put at the disposal of all of thecountries in the world: The Covenant on Civiland Political Rights and the Covenant onEconomic, Social and Cultural Rights. As thehuman rights are indivisible the nations andtheir governments should adhere to both legalinstruments.To adhere to these Covenants two steps areneeded to be taken: it is necessary that thegovernments of the countries sign theCovenants by taking their protocols to the Siteof the United Nations. The other step is to ratifythe Covenants by the Parliament or by the legalauthority that each country has got in order togive them force of superior law. From thatratification on, the Constitution and other lawsof the country must be modified or adjusted toEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 201271

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