Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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diversity would not be considered acrime but a richness of plural livingtogether.3. Civil and political liberties wouldencourage the sound competition forthe development of persons and theprogress of peoples.4. The economic, social and culturalliberties would be moderated by agrater equality of opportunities andby the respect for the equality anddignity of the ones who work andcreate.5. Equality would be reached not bydescendant, egalitarian decree but bybeing all of us, even the ones inpower who serve their people, underthe law, with equal rights and duties;this would prevent a few to be “moreequal” than the ones excluded ordiscriminated for being different ordisagreeing.6. The equality of all citizens would bethe possibility to have access to thesame economic, work-relatedopportunities and the opportunitiesof association and expression inorder to show their capacities andmerits as the two components of theholistic human development.7. The family and the school should bethe first educators in this new modelof living together. Fraternity which isthe result of freedom and the diverseequality of each member of the homepaves the way to social life. Theschool cannot be partisan orsectarian or exclusive in its pedagogyor in its methods or in its ends. Aparticipatory and liberating educationis indispensable to mould citizens forpacific cohabitation and civicempowerment.8. He market would be a means and notthe end and would give opportunitiesfor development: free, equal andfraternal opportunities. Businessmenand employees would not only defendtheir own rights but in the process ofrespecting each others’ rights, aclimate of class-struggle would notbe present but a climate ofcooperation to reach the good of thelocal, national or global community.9. The State would be a public server andnot an authoritarian father or the foolson of the family. The State wouldguarantee the legal framework forgobernability and the capacity ofgovernance in which each citizen is ableto rule his own destiny, the destiny ofhis family and his group.10. The well structured civil society wouldbe the school and work-shop where thecivic education and the experience inthe range of small initiatives wouldempower the citizens so that they canlearn and exercise their rights andduties by themselves.We are determined not to succumb tofrustration and escapism; living behind the 15minutes for criticism and complaint, it’s timefor each Cuban citizen, each family and eachgroup of the civil society to start proposing,suggesting and contributing the truly newelements and the best for Cuba.It’s time already to propose what each one ofus consider to be the best for Cuba, withoutdelay, without exclusions, without repression,without discredit, without fear. Because there isno freedom if there is fear. There is no equalityif there is fear and much less there is fraternity.Fear is the best barometer to measure thesocial pressure. If you feel fear inside yourselfthere is something very wrong in Cuba. If youfeel that your neighbours and friends live infear too, something worse is happening in Cuba.Fear can only be beaten through transparencyin life, serenity in the actions and the convictionthat what we think, feel and do is good. Fearalways loses before the truth and the kindnessof our actions.To overcome fear and to continue proposingethical and possible solutions for Cuba are thebest services to the sovereignty of citizens, tothe national identity and to the economic andspiritual progress of Cubans, men and women.To propose the truly new things and do it in therange of the small initiatives can be one of thekeys to the future of Cuba.Let’s do it.Pinar del Río, May 20 th 2011.109 th anniversary of the birth of the Republic ofCuba.Ediciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 201288

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