Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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synthesis, with the participation of all.This synthesis should be of:-freedom and responsibility.-private property and social responsibility.-respect for the mechanisms of marketand respect for the subsidiaryregulations of the State.-productivity and solidarity.-enterprise agency and citizenempowerment.-job and rest.-salary and duty of the taxpayers.-the foreign investments and the localand national participation.-promotion of the small and mediumsized businesses and the openness to theglobalization of the economy.Amartya Sen expresses:“Among the main challenges ofdevelopment at present there is the needof liberating the job from the explicit andimplicit ties which prevent it to haveaccess to the market of open work. Alsothe denial of the access to the market ofproducts is one of the deprivations thatmany small farmers and hard-workingproducers endure because of traditionalsystems and restrictions. The denial offreedom for participating in the jobmarket is one of the ways to maintainindividuals in slavery and captivity”.(SenAmartya, Desarrollo y libertad, 1999, p.19.28. Introducción: El desarrollo comolibertad).THE SCENARIOSThere are at least two possible scenariosleft:-to open the economic reforms with theirinseparable civic and political liberties; toopen the legal opportunities and fullydevelop the human and social capacitiesof the individuals and the corporativegroups of the civil society by doing thesynthesis proposed by the challengeswithout wasting time. This would be thepacific way most far from sharp remarksand violence.-to cling to timid concessions very limitedwhich disregard the anthropologicaldimension of economy, blockade thecapacity of self management of the citizens,restrain the civic and political liberties andcompletely reject the intrinsic laws ofmarket and democracy. This scenario willtrigger even involuntarily, a negative,explosive and violent force or at least agovernability chaos which would inevitablylead to political reforms and to theopenness of all of the full economic rights,the civil and political liberties and thesystematic and structural pluralism. Thisscenario would be much more dangerousand traumatic.Other scenarios can be generated but theyalways must respect the anthropologicaldimension and the timing. It’s ethicallyunacceptable to turn a whole Nation into anexperimentation camp. It is a greatirresponsibility and genocide. History is awitness and it should be a teacher.TIMINGTiming is another anthropologic andeconomic factor. We cannot play with itbecause we will face the consequences.The maximum irresponsibility of the State isto disregard the unity and the capacities ofthe human person; to manipulate the livesof its citizens; to be the owner of our timewithout reasonable periods and turn thesociety into an experimentation lab againstthe human nature. The maximumirresponsibility of the citizens is torelinquish their freedom and let themselvesbe manipulated as if they were Indian pigsin order to prove that something thatprobably failed can be brought up to date.Time will say. Maybe the consciencesproduce miracles before; because even Godrespects the capacities and the freedom ofthe human being. Even God trusts thehuman person and doesn’t restrain hisfreedom or blockade his responsibility orforgets his rights. That’s why we say thatonly an awakening of the consciences of theones who can decide without violence isable to work the wonder that God himself isEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 201279

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