Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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initiatives of all Cubans, men andwomen, without exclusions.- We expect a country where therewould be no fear of independentsolidarity of citizens due to theexistence of the political andeconomic structures that legalize,promote and defend the diverse,plural and inclusive civic religious,fraternal and cultural organizations ina multiform civil society where theempowerment of the citizens, womenand men, may unblock the precise,capillary and communitydevelopment of solidarity.- We expect a country where therewould be no fear of the truth thateach man or woman carries inside;where there would be no fear ofsearching for the other part of thetruth together with the other peopledue to the existence of the politicaland economic structures that legalizethe spaces for searching, debatingand spreading of the truth; due to theexistence of the two wheels of thedynamic and multifaceted truth: thefreedom of expression and the freeaccess to information.- We expect a country where therewould be no fear of Internet, wherethe virtual sites may not be blocked,just like our sad doorwayssurrounded by bars are; a countrywhere a person may not be beatenbecause he is a blogger; a countrywhere some persons would not bethreatened because they edit amagazine either virtual or printed. Acountry where the fact to have accessto the Net of nets would not be asynonym of danger, a mercenarything, a harm to the nationalsovereignty and independence or aserious danger to the nationalidentity.It is, at least pathetic, to listen to this in aworld where the identity strengthensitself in the face to face debate with thehegemonic cultures; in a world where ithas been universally demonstrated thatthe peoples, the minorities, the excludedones, are the ones who would get morebenefits if this Internet instrument wereavailable to everybody.How is it possible that in a system wherethey claim to be in favour of the mostvulnerable ones, the access of ordinarycitizens to the net of freedom, solidarityand communication is openly blocked?“CONVIVENCIA” IS GOING TO BE TWOYEARS OLDOur digital magazine “CONVIVENCIA” isabout to be two years old in this toil. Wehave tried to participate in this experienceof citizen solidarity and sovereignty. Werespect, admire and support the growingcommunity of Cuban bloggers, women andmen who are the contemporarycontinuators and stimulators of the heroicindependent journalists who have alwaysbeen here. “<strong>Convivencia</strong>” wishes to be likethem: independent journalists and bloggers.Their service to Cuba and their love for itinspire us. We highly appreciate theirinformative and dynamic contribution.With our bimonthly publication we wish tocomplement their irreplaceable service ofurgent and daily information andcommunication. We use a more calmedtempo for the service to reflection andthought, which is also necessary to allCubans, women and men from the Islandand from the Diaspora; that is why we don’tsee or feel any contradiction between whatindependent journalists, radio newsjournalists, the journalists from establishedagencies, publications from here and thereand bloggers do and what we do; also theindependent journalists who use other workinstruments but who have the same senseof belonging to Cuba and solidarity withtheir brothers who use the mostconventional means.We have had, thank God, both experiencesduring the last 16 years, first and for aperiod of time, with a printed publicationand now with a digital publication. That iswhy, maybe, we can understand, togetherwith others, that there is no contradiction ordisqualification; neither better nor worseformat to perform a good journalism. CubaEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 201255

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