Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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FOR THE FUTUREIF POLITICAL REPRESSION AND EXCLUSIONDON’T STOP THERE IS NO POSSIBLE UPDATINGEditorial 28. Jul-Aug 2012. <strong>Convivencia</strong> Magazine. www.convivenciacuba.esInefficiency and exclusion are the signs ofwhat has to be changed in Cuba. It’s not onlyabout economic inefficiency and exclusion butpolitical, cultural, organizational and evensports inefficiency and exclusion. All of themlead to, and have their root cause in theinefficiency and the anthropological erosionwhich is the damage caused to the humanperson and prevents his full and happydevelopment. It is, above all, a spiritualinefficiency. It is the soul block.All political systems have inefficiencies,limitations and injustices and they makemistakes. There are realities and processesthat cannot be measured only by a materialefficiency. But to be satisfied with such stateof things because the whole world is bad isthe most opposite thing to evolution,development or whatever we want to call it.For example, Brazil, with all its limitations, hasreached a model of inclusive democracy andeconomy which has significantly decreasedpoverty, it has decreased unemployment andit has increased the standards of livingthrough health, education, social security.Brazil, just one case, has grown economically,it has distributed the created wealth better butabove all, it has created more wealth to beable to distribute it. All of it happened duringtwo terms of office. Ten years. And they didn’tabandon or restrict democracy the way it wascreated in the West and by the way, Cubabelongs to that hemisphere not only becauseof obvious geographical reasons but alsospiritual, cultural and historic reasons.What doesn’t exist cannot be distributed andpeople cannot live on what comes fromabroad in solidarity or due to politicalinterests of other nations: that’s neocolonialismand we have experienced itsconsequences three times in Cuba: with Spain,with the United States and with the formerUSSR. Now, as if we hadn’t learned from threeprevious mistakes we are watching to seewhat will happen in Venezuela. China isalready showing its economic and politicalproblems as a result of an eastern hybrid, oddand typical of cultures that have never knownwestern democracy which is neither aswearword nor anything perfect but it is whatis working nowadays, with its problems, but ithas the human person and his citizensovereignty as the centre, subject and end ofsocial coexistence.Cuba is not a laboratory of socialism but anation with human beingsMore than fifty years experiencing a model ofsociety is excessively enough to show whatthat model produces and cultivates in thecitizens and where the nation is led. In theimmense majority of today’s world, onegovernment has, at the most, ten or twelveyears to show what it is. It is ethicallyunacceptable to turn a whole nation into apolitical and social laboratory and it is sosimply because we human beings have onlyone life and because we persons are notguinea pigs.The dignity of all human persons cannot beused to try the inventiveness of one group orEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 2012121

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