Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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In view of the exclusion of the social actorswe propose: The ways to a participatorydemocracy and to a modern State of Rightsare the ones that favour institutional spaceswhere the protagonists should be and findequal opportunities and equal means to servethe Nation among all and through public andparticipatory debate as a body of limited andshared leadership, as a community of electedactors controlled by their voters. Nobody shallbe above the law and the democraticinstitutions. The support of the voters will begained by the ones who are more inclusiveand the ones who serve the Nation more, theservers who show that they know how to workin a team, how to be respectful of otherprotagonists who are equal in dignity andopportunities; the servers who are able toobserve alternation in power; servers and notleaders is what Cuba needs.2. Disregarding or excluding some orall of the political, social, economicprograms and projects which arealternative and pacific is to deprive theFatherland of its dreams and hope; it is toclose the way to a civilized and gradualchange in peace as we all want. Some who stillthink with totalitarian or exclusive mentalitycomplain that there is no “project” which“unites all”, which “represents the Nation” andshould be its new perfect and finished utopia.That is not what other Cubans, women andmen want for Cuba because it leads directly tonew authoritarianisms and new exclusions.In view of the exclusion of projects andsocial programs we propose: The ways ofinclusive democracy and modern State ofRights are necessarily plural, diverse anddissenting; or they are not democratic. Tothink that unity is uniformity is not only apolitical mistake but an unacceptable ethicalattitude whatever its color is. There is nonational and democratic unity if it is not aunity in diversity. That unity in diversity canonly be achieved by opening public spaces ofproposals, debates and decision taking thatshould convene and include all political, socialand economic projects which are pacific,gradual and respectful of national sovereigntyand the sovereignty of citizens. The majoritysupport will be gained by those programs orprojects which are more inclusive and whichpropose the search for the common good ofthe Nation with more efficiency and realismand not the partisan privileges.3. Disregarding or excluding the sourceof thought for the present and the future inCuba is to sever the spirit and the mystique ofthe Nation; it’s to hinder its creativity and theideation of the itineraries to democracy. Tosilence the pacific thinkers whatever theirphilosophical, political, economic or religiousschools should be means to make the Nation’ssoul wither. Some who think that there shouldbe only one ideology for the changes or thosewho don’t think first of “thinking” becausethey are paying attention to the every daystrive for survival do not notice that a“hatchery” of thoughts is appearing insideCuba and in its Diaspora.In view of the exclusion of the schools ofthought we propose: The most wide anddiverse rainbow of ideas is articulating amongthe thinkers of all ages, of all politicalaffiliations or not specific affiliation. There isno country with only one ideology. Theschools of thought that will convene a greaternumber of Cubans, women and men will bethe ones with wider range, the most tolerantand the most pacific ones; the ones thatshould submit themselves more to thescrutiny of dialogue and public debate; themost inclusive ones.What Cuba needs in order to construct,piece by piece, the way to democracyThen we could say that Cuba does not needmore than this to the ones who paralize or tryto monopolize, for their sake, the process ofchanges by arguing that there is nooutstanding leader or viable project. Cubapast and recent history absolutely showswhere these two messianic and exclusiveaspirations lead.On the contrary Cuba needs to believe andconvince itself that democracy is made blockby block, step by step counting on all thepieces of the national puzzle. WinstonChurchill used to say this very serious joke:“Democracy is the worst of all politicalsystems with the exception of the rest ofthem”. This can be one of the lessons onpolitics Cuba needs most in order to get outof its civic illiteracy. Perfect and unreformable,Ediciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 2012115

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