Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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Morals or teachings for the future of thechanges in Cuba:1. We Cubans, women and men insideCuba, are the main protagonists of allthe process of transformation in theCountry; all Cubans who wish pacificchanges and not only the ones whowish to perfect this socialism throughreforms. There isn’t any group whichcan be the judge to decide whoshould or can be in charge of thedestiny of Cuba.2. The support of the part of the Nationthat lives in the Diaspora will beincreasing and effective insofar we,inside Cuba, do what we should dopacifically.3. The international community will turnits head to pay attention to us andgive solidarity to the democraticchanges in Cuba only if we Cubansdo what we should do pacifically.4. A small group of women and twomen in a hunger strike, one of themto the death and the other one on theedge of the maximum sacrifice, bothof them heroic as martyrs; all of them,men and women, doing a selfless andgenerous service for the freedom ofthe Fatherland, have becomecatalysts and a driving force of thereal change. Once more, the power ofthe smallness.5. This catalyst can be neutralized, theprominence can be palmed and theconflict exported if the civil societyinside Cuba is not alert, civicallyeducated and willing to sacrifice itselffor its role and its purposes.6. The power can be moved and gradualand increasing goals can be achievedif we decide ourselves to do what weshould do pacifically inside Cuba.Something has been attained now.Tomorrow we could attain thechanges that the immense majority ofCubans wish; but without exclusionsof some Cubans by other Cubans. Ithas been proved that it depends onus and we can and should do it.Other morals could be concluded. Cuba andwe Cubans some times have been forgetful.We turn the page very soon. This is goodwhen we are dealing with rancor and hatred,with revenge and violence because it helpsforgiveness and reconciliation. But there is ahistoric record that we should not lose. Thereare experiences that we have lived and weshould learn from them. We should see themorals and have strategies in order to continuethe process with new coherent steps and weshould not distract ourselves from the essentialthing we are looking for.The first eight months of this historic year 2010show it convincingly: we Cubans will attain onlywhat we are willing to attain through the pacificstruggle, with the eyes very open and the civicconscience well educated.From the experiences we have lived we coulddeduce some challenges that the Cuban Nationhas for the next months.Challenges for the immediate future:1. Will the political opposition and thedissidence from the civil society want toassume their own pacific prominencewithout getting tired? Will they be ableto? Their political credibility and theirservice to the whole Nation withoutexclusions could be jeopardized.2. Will the government assume its ownprominence in favour of the substantial,gradual and pacific changes with noexclusions and without retaining thepower? Will they be able to? Its politicalcredibility and its service to the wholeNation without exclusions could bejeopardized.3. Will the Church assume its mission ofauthentic impartial mediation, withoutexclusions and without political optionson any of the parties when the momentcomes during this process of mediatingbetween the opposition, the civil societyand the government? Will it be able to?Its temporary credibility and its serviceto the whole Nation without exclusioncould be jeopardized.4. And will the rest of the citizens whoconstitute the Fatherland want to maketheir contribution, according to theirvocation and possibilities, using thealternatives they consider better forfreedom, justice, peace and thereconciliation of the whole Nation? TheEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 201269

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