Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia

Untitled - Convivencia


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could have been understood due to itssymbolic character though not necessary, if,at the same time, the Pope had briefly greetedsome representatives of Cuba civil society:that other part of the Nation without whichthere will be no unity or inclusion or nationalreconciliation. The Cuban Church which willbe a server in the future that the Popeanticipated in his messages, will maybe regret,in due course, this exclusive omission. Thisomission is an act takes into account the shortrun more than the medium and long journeyof Cuba regarding the excluded persons andgroups that will necessarily be a part of thefuture in our country. The Church which is anexpert in humanity and counting on itsbimillenary experience almost always looksfarther and higher because it has all the timeahead. It’s a pity this time it was not like that.In this aspect the outcome appears to benegative. Let’s hope this outcome is put rightalong the every day events of the Churchrelations with the rest of civil society the bestway possible for everybody.The Pope’s message and his legacyWe consider that in this aspect the outcome ismaybe the most positive one if we compare itto the former ones; for the present and for thelong prospect in the future. The Pope’smessages have dealt with the time ahead of us,they have looked high and far; thesemessages have left a rich, concrete andinclusive legacy. Let’s hope no Cuban mandisregards this legacy of theological elevation,maximum humanist depth and above all, alegacy of a great love for Cuba and for allCubans without exclusion. We hope to Godthat once everyone is down all Cubans fromhere or from abroad will study and applythese messages that have a deep ethical, civicand spiritual significance and will not be ledby the stubbornness of what the very Popecalled “fixed or unilateral positions”.In this issue we publish entirely all the officialtexts said by Pope Benedict XVI in Cuba sothat each person can choose from them whathe understands is better; however, after a fewdays we don’t want to keep the feeling ofdiscouragement and we offer a first andimmediate selection of those texts to facilitatethe study of the contribution that the SupremePontiff of the Catholic Church has suggestedus with a great respect and all his moralauthority. At the same time we have wanted tocompare them with the expectations of manypeople in Cuba, some of them published inour Editorial 24 in the January-February 2012issue. Let the very Pontiff be the one whospeaks to our readers:1. The Pope sincerely recognizes thesufferings and the fair aspirations ofCubans.“I carry in my heart the fair aspirations andlegitimate desires of all Cubans wherever theyare, their sufferings and joys, their concernsand most noble deepest desires especiallyyoung people and the elderly, adolescents andchildren, sick people and workers, theprisoners and their relatives as well as thepoor and the people in need”. (Greeting whenhe arrived at the Antonio Maceo Airport).2. Cuba is already looking at tomorrowfrom the patrimony of the homeland’sFathers.“I am convinced that Cuba, in this importantmoment of its history, is already looking attomorrow and for this purpose it makes aneffort to renew and widen its horizons… andthe immense patrimony of values willcontribute to such task… those values havemade up the national most genuine identityand they are sculpted in the work and the lifeof many notable homeland’s fathers such asthe blessed José Olallo y Valdés, Lord’ serfFélix Varela or the national hero José Martí”.(Greeting when he arrived at Antonio MaceoAirport).This message satisfies the expectations ofmany Cubans. We outlined it in number 8 ofEditorial 24: the opening-up to the worldstrengthens the cultural identity and thenational sovereignty.3. The short cuts in the search for truth.The Pope alerts us about the traps and thetwists and turns we face all the time when weare searching for truth. The Pope speaksabout some of them: “You will know the truthand the truth shall set you free”. (John. 8, 32).Truth is something human beings long for andEdiciones <strong>Convivencia</strong>Pinar del Río. 2012109

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