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Unit<br />

Whose is this?<br />

It s mine/ yours/ hers etc.<br />

( ours )<br />

1 my m ine<br />

we —> our —> ours<br />

you your - > yours<br />

he —> his —> his<br />

she —> her —> hers<br />

they —> their —> theirs<br />

It's m y m oney.<br />

It's our m oney.<br />

It's your m oney.<br />

It's his m oney.<br />

It's her m oney.<br />

It's their m oney.<br />

It's mine.<br />

It's ours.<br />

It's yours.<br />

It's his.<br />

It's hers.<br />

It's theirs.<br />

W e use m y/ your etc. + n ou n (m y hands / your book etc.):<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

M y hands are cold.<br />

Is this your book?<br />

Helen gave me her um brella.<br />

It s their problem , not our problem.<br />

W e use m ine/ yours etc. w it ho u t a noun:<br />

Q Is this book m ine or yours? (= m y book or yo ur b o ok)<br />

I didn't have an um brella, so Sarah gave m e hers. (= her um brella)<br />

O It's their problem , not ours. (= not o ur problem )<br />

O W e w ent in our car, and they w ent in theirs. (= their car)<br />

You can use his with or w it h o u t a noun:<br />

Is this his cam era or hers?'<br />

It's his.'<br />

a friend of m ine / a friend of his / som e friends of yours etc.<br />

O I w ent o ut to m eet a friend of mine. (n o t a friend o f m e)<br />

O Tom was in the restaurant w ith a friend of his. ( n o t a friend o f him )<br />

O Are those people friends of yours? (n o t friends o f yo u)<br />

W hose ..?<br />

W hose phone is this? (= Is it yo ur phone? his phone? m y phone? etc.)<br />

You can use w hose w ith or w it ho u t a noun:<br />

W hose m oney is this? 1 I K<br />

7 \ Its m ine. W r f<br />

W hose is this?<br />

J<br />

W hose shoes are these? 1 ^ , . ,<br />

\ They re Johns.<br />

W hose are these? J<br />

[ my/ his/ their etc. - » Unit 60 l/ me/ my/ mine ■ » U n i t 6 2 K a t e ' s camera / my b r o t h e r ' s c a r U n i t 6 4 J

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