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Exercises<br />

Com plete the sentences. Use on + these words:<br />

holiday the phone the radio T V tim e<br />

1 W e heard the n ew s Qn t h e r a d l o .....<br />

2 Please don't be late. Try to be h ere........................................................................<br />

3 I w on't be here next week. I'm g o in g ........................................................................<br />

4 'Did you see Linda?' 'No, but I talked to h e r.........................................................................'<br />

5 'W h at 's........................................................................this evening?' 'N othing that I w ant to watch.'<br />

Look at the pictures. Com plete the sentences with at/ by/ w ith etc.<br />

1 I cut the p ap er..w it h.....a pair o f 6<br />

scissors. 7<br />

2 She usually goes to w o r k car. 8<br />

3 W h o is the w o m an sho rt hair? 9<br />

4 They are t alkin g ..............the weather. 10<br />

5 The car is fire.<br />

She's listening to som e m u sic M o zart.<br />

The plane is flyin g 600 miles an hour.<br />

Th ey're holiday.<br />

Do you know the m an sunglasses?<br />

He's reading a b o o k .................gram m ar<br />

Vera P. Bull.<br />

Com plete the sentences. Use at/ by/ w ith etc.<br />

1 In tennis, you hit the b all.................a racket.<br />

2 It's cold today. Don't go o u t .................a coat.<br />

3 H a m let, O thello and M a cb et h are p lays W illiam Shakespeare.<br />

4 Do you know an yt h in g com puters?<br />

5 M y g rand m o ther d ied .................the age o f 98.<br />

6 H o w long does it take from N ew Yo rk to Los A n g eles plane?<br />

7 I didn't go to the football m atch, but I w atched i t .................TV.<br />

8 M y house is the o n e the red d o o r on the right.<br />

9 These trains are very fast. They can t ravel very high speeds.<br />

10 I don't use m y car very often. I prefer to g o bike.<br />

11 Can you give m e som e in fo rm at io n ............... hotels in this town?<br />

12 I was arrested t w o policem en and taken to the police station.<br />

13 TTie buses here are very good. ITiey're nearly alw ays tim e.<br />

14 W h at w o uld you like to d rin k yo ur meal?<br />

15 W e travelled from Paris to M o sco w ................train.<br />

16 The m useum has som e p ain ting s Rem b randt.

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