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Unit<br />

7 3 t h e ... (names of places)<br />

Places (continents, countries, states, islands, towns etc.)<br />

In general we do n o t use the w ith nam es o f places:<br />

O France is a very large country. (n o t the France)<br />

O Cairo is the capital o f Egypt.<br />

O Corsica is an island in the M editerranean.<br />

O Peru is in South Am erica.<br />

But we use the in nam es w ith 'republic'/ 'states'/ 'kingdom ':<br />

the Czech Republic<br />

the United States o f Am erica (the USA)<br />

the United Kingdom (the U K)<br />

©<br />

the -s (p lural nam es)<br />

W e use the w ith p lu ra l nam es o f countries/ islands/ m ountains:<br />

the N etherlands the Canary Islands<br />

the Philippines the Alp s<br />

Seas, rivers etc.<br />

W e use the w ith nam es o f oceans/ seas/ rivers/ canals:<br />

the Atlantic (O cean ) the M editerranean (Sea)<br />

the (River) Nile the Suez Canal<br />

the Am azo n<br />

the Black Sea<br />

Places in towns (streets, buildings etc.)<br />

In general we do n o t use the w ith nam es o f streets, squares e t c.:<br />

O Kevin lives in N ewton Street.<br />

O W here is H ighfield Road, please?<br />

O Tim es Square is in N ew York.<br />

W e do no t use the with nam es o f airports, stations and m any o ther im p o rtant buildings:<br />

Kennedy Airp ort W estm inster Abbey London Zoo<br />

Victoria Station Edinburgh Castle<br />

also<br />

Cam bridge University, H arvard University etc.<br />

But we use the w ith nam es o f m ost hotels, m useum s, theatres and cinem as:<br />

the Regent Hotel the National Theatre<br />

the Science M useum the Od eo n (cinem a)<br />

the ...o f ...<br />

W e use the + nam es w ith ... o f ...:<br />

the M useum of M o d ern A rt the University of California<br />

the Great Wall of China the To w er of London<br />

W e say the north / the south / the east / the w est (o f ...):<br />

O I've been to the north of Italy, but not to the south.<br />

the<br />

156 ( the ■ Units 6 9- 72

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