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Exercises<br />

Answer these geography questions. Choose from the box. Use The if necessary.<br />

1 Ca iro ...........is the capital o f Egypt. Alp s<br />

2 Th e A t l a n t i c .............is between Africa and Am erica. Am azo n<br />

3 ................................................ .............is a co untry in northern Europe. And es<br />

4 ................................................ .............is a river in South Am erica. Asia<br />

5 ................................................ .............is the largest co ntinent in the world. Atlantic<br />

6 ................................................ ...........is the largest ocean. Baham as<br />

7 ........................................ ...........is a river in Europe. Bangkok<br />

8 ........................................ ...........is a co untry in East Africa. Cairo<br />

9 ................................................ ...........is between Canad a and M exico . Jam aica<br />

10 ........................................ ...........are m o untains in South Am erica. Kenya<br />

11 ........................................ .............is the capital o f Thailand. Pacific<br />

12 ................................................ .............are m o untains in central Europe. Red Sea<br />

13 ................................................ .............is between Saudi Arab ia and Africa. Rhine<br />

14 ................................................ .............is an island in the Caribbean. Sweden<br />

15 ............................................................are a group o f islands near Florida. United States<br />

I W rite the where necessary. If the sentence is already correct, write OK.<br />

1 Kevin lives in N ew ton Street. O K...............................................<br />

2 W e w ent to see a play at JN Jat io n ^ a t t h a N at io n a l T h e a t r e<br />

3 Have you ever been to China?.....................................................................................................<br />

4 Have you ever been to Philippines? ..............................................................<br />

5 Have you ever been to south o f France?.................. .............................................................<br />

6 Can you tell m e where Regal Cinem a is? .............................................................<br />

7 Can you tell m e where M errio n Street is? .............................................................<br />

8 Can you tell m e where M useum o f A rt is? .............................................................<br />

9 Europe is bigger than Australia. .............................................................<br />

10 Belgium is sm aller than N etherlands. .............................................................<br />

I I W hich river is longer - M ississippi or Nile? .............................................................<br />

12 Did you go to N ational Gallery w hen you .............................................................<br />

were in London?<br />

13 W e stayed at Park Hotel in Hudson Road. .............................................................<br />

14 H o w far is it from Trafalgar Square to Victo ria .............................................................<br />

Station (in Lo n d o n )?<br />

15 Rocky M o untains are in N o rth Am erica. .............................................................<br />

16 Texas is fam ous for oil and cowboys. ..............................................................<br />

17 I hope to go to United States next year. .............................................................<br />

18 M ary com es from w est o f Ireland. .............................................................<br />

19 Alan is a stud ent at M anchester University. .............................................................<br />

20 Panam a Canal joins Atlantic Ocean and ..............................................................<br />

Pacific Ocean.<br />

A d d it io n al exercises 3 3 - 3 4 (pages 2 6 9 - 7 0 )

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