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Exercises<br />

^ jj | | Answer the questions in the same way.<br />

7<br />

Yes,<br />

I know him ,.b u t] can ’t...<br />

r em em b er his nam e<br />

Yes, I k n o w<br />

rem em b er.................................................<br />

but I can't<br />

® ( D o you know me?^<br />

Yes, I ., but Yes, I . ., but<br />

. nam es.<br />

Com plete the sentences in the same way.<br />

1 W e invited h er t o st a y w it h u s .a t o ur h o u se......<br />

2 He invited us to stay w it h ................................................at his house.<br />

3 They invited m e to stay w it h ....................................................................................................... house.<br />

4 I invited them to st ay....................................................................................................... house.<br />

5 She invited us to st ay.......................................................................................................house.<br />

6 Did you invite h im ....................................................................................................... house?<br />

^ 2 9 1 Co m p let e t he sentences in the sam e way.<br />

1 I gave h im M Y phone num ber, an d he g ave m e h is<br />

2 I gave h e r w y phone num ber, and she gave m e ................................................................<br />

3 He gave m e h is phone num ber, and I g ave................................................................<br />

4 W e gave t h e m .......................phone num ber, and they g ave...........................................................<br />

5 She gave h im .......................phone num ber, and he g ave..................................................................<br />

6 You gave u s.........................phone num ber, and we g ave.................................................................<br />

7 They gave y o u .......................phone num ber, and you g ave.............................................................<br />

m<br />

W rite him / her/ yours etc.<br />

1 Where's Am and a? Have you seen h er ?<br />

2 W here are m y keys? W here did I p u t .......................?<br />

3 This book belongs to Ben. Can you give it t o .......................?<br />

4 W e don't see.........................neighbours m uch. They're not at hom e very often.<br />

5 'I can't find m y phone. Can I u se.......................?' 'Yes, o f course.'<br />

6 We're going to the cinem a. W h y don't you com e w it h ........................ ?<br />

7 Did yo ur sister p ass.........................exam s?<br />

8 Som e people talk ab o u t .......................w o rk all the tim e.<br />

9 Last night I w ent o ut for a meal w ith a friend o f .........................

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