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Unit<br />

1 0 4 from ... to until since for<br />

from ... to ...<br />

O W e lived in Japan from 2003 to 2010.<br />

O I w o rk from M o nd ay to Friday.<br />

You can also say from ... until<br />

O W e lived in Japan from 2003 until 2010.<br />

M o n d a y<br />

from M onday to Friday<br />

Frid ay<br />

u n t il...<br />

u n t il<br />

Friday<br />

Decem b er<br />

3 o'clock<br />

I com e back<br />

They're going away tom orrow.<br />

They'll be away until Friday.<br />

I w ent to bed early, but I wasn't tired.<br />

I read a book until 3 o'clock.<br />

W ait here until I com e back.<br />

until Friday<br />

Frid ay<br />

You can also say till (= until):<br />

O<br />

W ait here till I com e back.<br />

Com pare:<br />

O 'How long will you be away?'<br />

O 'W hen are you co m ing back?'<br />

'Until M onday.'<br />

'On M onday.'<br />

since + a tim e in the past (to no w )<br />

W e use since after the p resen t p er fect (have been / have done etc.):<br />

O Joe is in hospital. He has been<br />

o<br />

in hospital since M onday.<br />

(= from M o nd ay to no w )<br />

Sue and Dave have been<br />

m arried since 1998.<br />

M o n d a y<br />

since M onday<br />

n o w<br />

(= from 1998 to no w )<br />

O<br />

It has been raining since I arrived.<br />

Com pare:<br />

O W e lived in Japan from 2003 to 2010.<br />

W e lived in Japan until 2010.<br />

O N o w we live in Canad a. W e cam e to Canad a in 2010.<br />

W e have lived in Canad a since 2010. (= from 2010 until no w )<br />

W e use for (n o t since) + a period o f tim e (three days / ten years etc.):<br />

O Joe has been in hospital for three days. (n o t since three days)<br />

for + a period o f tim e<br />

for<br />

three days<br />

ten years<br />

five m inutes<br />

a long tim e<br />

Gary stayed w ith us for<br />

three days.<br />

I'm going away for<br />

Su n d a y<br />

a few weeks.<br />

O I'm going away for the weekend.<br />

O They've been m arried for ten years.<br />

for three days<br />

M o n d a y<br />

Tu esd a y<br />

218 ( present perfect + for/ since Units 18- 19 present perfect (I have lived) and past simple (I lived) Unit 20 j

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