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Unit<br />

107 on (places 2)<br />

in<br />

in bed<br />

in hospital<br />

in the sky<br />

in the w o rld<br />

in a newspaper / in a book<br />

in a p ho to (g rap h) / in a picture<br />

in a car / in a taxi<br />

in the m id dle (o f ...)<br />

O 'Where's Kate?'<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

'She's in bed.'<br />

David's father is ill. He's in hospital.<br />

I like to look at the stars in the sky at night.<br />

W hat's the largest city in the world?<br />

I read ab o ut the accid ent in the newspaper.<br />

O You look sad in this picture.<br />

O Did you com e here in your car?<br />

O There's a big tree in the middle o f the garden.<br />

at<br />

at hom e<br />

at w o rk / at school<br />

at university / at college<br />

at the station / at the airp ort<br />

at Lisa's (ho use) / at m y sister's (ho use) /<br />

at the doctor's / at the hairdresser's<br />

etc.<br />

at a co ncert / at a party / at a football<br />

m atch etc.<br />

O W ill you be at home this evening?<br />

O 'Where's Kate?' 'She's at work.'<br />

O Helen is studying law at university.<br />

O I'll m eet you at the station, OK?<br />

O a : W here were you yesterday?<br />

b: At my sister's.<br />

O I saw Tom at the doctor's.<br />

O There weren't m any people at the party.<br />

Often it is possible to use in or at for buildings (hotels, restaurants etc.):<br />

O W e stayed at a nice hotel, o r W e stayed in a nice hotel.<br />

on<br />

on a bus<br />

on a bus / on a train / on a plane /<br />

on a ship<br />

on the ground flo o r / on the first floor<br />

etc.<br />

on the w ay (to ...) / on the way hom e<br />

on the first floor<br />

O Did you com e here on the bus?<br />

O The office is on the first floor.<br />

O I m et Anna on the way to w o rk / on the way hom e.<br />

224 ( in/ at/ on (places) 4 Unit 106 to/ in/ at Unit 108 on the left/ right Unit 109

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