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Exercises<br />

W rite sentences beginning w ith if. Cho o se from the boxes.<br />

If +<br />

-you don't hurry<br />

you pass the exam<br />

you fail the exam<br />

you don't w an t this magazine<br />

you w ant those pictures<br />

you're busy no w<br />

_i_ T<br />

w e can have lunch no w<br />

you can have them<br />

1can lend you som e<br />

you'll get a certificate<br />

you'll be late<br />

I'll thro w it away<br />

you're hungry<br />

w e can talk later<br />

you need m o ney<br />

you can do it again<br />

[fypu don't hur^<br />

If you p ass....................................................<br />

If .........................................................................<br />

W hich is right?<br />

1 If I'm / 4'll be late this evening, don't w ait for me. (fm is rig h t)<br />

2 W ill you call m e if I give / I'll give you m y phone num ber?<br />

3 If there is / will be a fire, the alarm will ring.<br />

4 If I don't see you to m o rro w m orning, I call / I'll call you in the evening.<br />

5 I'm / I'll be surprised if M ichael and Jane get / w ill get m arried.<br />

6 Do you go / W ill you go to the party if they invite / they'll invite you?<br />

j g g j Use your own ideas to com plete these sentences.<br />

1 I'm going to the co ncert if i Q ^ n .se t a t i c k e t ......................................................<br />

2 If you don't h u rry, yp.ull.m i55 t h e t rain ...................................................................<br />

3 I don't w an t to disturb you i f .............................................................................................<br />

4 If you go to bed early t o n ig h t ,...........................................................................................<br />

5 Turn the TV o ff if ......................................................................................................................<br />

6 Tina w on't pass her exam s i f ...............................................................................................<br />

7 If I have tim e t o m o rro w ,.......................................................................................................<br />

8 W e can go to the beach to m o rro w i f ...........................................................................<br />

9 I'll be surprised i f ........................................................................................................................<br />

g j j W rite if or when.<br />

1 !.f I'm late this evening, don't w ait for me.<br />

2 I'm going to do som e shopping now. .......................I com e back, we can have lunch.<br />

3 I'm thinking o f going to see To m ............................I go, will you co m e w ith me?<br />

4 ........................ you don't w ant to go o ut tonight, we can stay at hom e.<br />

5 Is it O K .........................I close the w ind o w ?<br />

6 John is still at scho o l............................. he leaves school, he w ants to go to college.<br />

7 Shall w e have a picnic t o m o rro w .......................the w eather is good?<br />

8 We're going to M ad rid next week. W e don't have anywhere to stay - w e hope to find a hotel<br />

we get there. I don't know w hat we'll d o .........................we don't find a room .

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