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Exercises<br />

Co m p let e t he sentences. Cho o se fro m the boxes.<br />

lu n ch t h e end t h ey w en t t o A u st ralia<br />

aft er d u rin g + t h e co n cert t h e exam yo u 're w ait in g<br />

^ b efo re w h ile t h e co u rse t h e n ig h t<br />

1 Everybody was n ervo u s b ef o r e t h e exa m .............................................................................................................................<br />

2 I usually w o rk four hours in the m orning, and another three h o u rs.........................................................................<br />

3 The film was really boring. W e le f t ...............................................................................................................................................<br />

4 Anna w ent to evening classes to learn Germ an. She learnt a lo t ...............................................................................<br />

5 M y aunt and uncle lived in Lo n d o n ............................................... ..............................................................................................<br />

6 a : Som eb o d y broke a w in d o w .................................................................................................. Did yo u hear anything?<br />

b: No, I w as asleep all the tim e.<br />

7 W o uld you like to sit d o w n ...............................................................................................................................................................?<br />

8 a : Are you going h o m e..................................................................................?<br />

b: Yes, I have to get up early tom orrow.<br />

W rit e d u rin g / w h ile/ fo r.<br />

1 W e didn't sp eak while we were eating.<br />

2 W e didn't sp eak d uring the meal.<br />

3 Gary called ................................you were out.<br />

4 Am y w ent to Italy and stayed in Ro m e................................five days.<br />

5 I didn't check m y em ail...............................I was away.<br />

6 The students looked very b o red .................................the lesson.<br />

7 I fell o ut o f b ed I was asleep.<br />

8 Last night I w atched T V ............................... three hours.<br />

9 I don't usually w atch T V ...............................the day.<br />

10 Do you ever w atch T V ................................you are having dinner?<br />

Co m p let e t he sentences. Use - ing (d o ing , h avin g et c.).<br />

1 A f t e r d o in g the shopping, they w ent hom e.<br />

2 I felt sick aft er.......................................too m uch chocolate.<br />

3 I'm going to ask you a question. Th in k carefully b efo re.........................................it.<br />

4 I felt awful when I got up this m orning. I felt better aft er........................................a shower.<br />

5 A f t e r m y w o rk, I left the office and w ent hom e.<br />

6 Befo re........................................ to a foreign country, it's good to try and learn a little o f the language.<br />

W rit e sentences w it h b efo re + - in g and af t er + - ing .<br />

1 They did the shopping. Then they w ent hom e.<br />

A f t e r doing, t h a s h p ^ ......................................................................................................................<br />

2 John left school. Then he w o rked in a booksho p for t w o years.<br />

John w o rked .............................................................. ..................................................................................................................................<br />

3 I read for a few m inutes. Then I w ent to sleep.<br />

Befo re...............................................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

4 W e walked for three hours. W e were very tired.<br />

A f t e r..................................................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

5 Let's have a cup o f coffee. Then we'll go o ut.<br />

Let 's ............................................................................................................................................................................................................<br />


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