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Exercises<br />

Helen is travelling in Europe. Com plete the sentences with she was, she's or she'll be.<br />

1 Yest erd ay..sh e w as.......jn Paris.<br />

2 To m o rro w .......................................in Am sterdam .<br />

3 Last w eek ........................................ in Barcelona.<br />

4 N ext w eek .......................................in London.<br />

5 A t the m o m en t ........................................ in Brussels.<br />

6 Three days ag o .......................................in M unich.<br />

7 A t the end o f her t r ip ........................................very tired.<br />

LONDON<br />

(next week)<br />

PARIS (yesterday)<br />

M UNICH<br />

(3 days ago)<br />


(last week)<br />


(tomorrow)<br />

• BRUSSELS (now)<br />

| W here w ill yo u be? W rit e sentences ab o ut yo urself. Use:<br />

Helen<br />

I'll b e ... o r I'll p ro b ab ly be ... o r I d o n 't k n o w w h ere I'll b e.<br />

1 (at 10 o'clock to m o rro w ) llLpCQbably.be on t h e .b each ,......................................................................................<br />

2 (o ne ho ur from no w ) .....................................................................................................................................................................<br />

3 (at m idnight tonig ht) .............................................................................................................,.......................................................<br />

4 (at 3 o'clock to m o rro w afternoon) .........................................................................................................................................<br />

5 (t w o years from no w ) .....................................................................................................................................................................<br />

f g ) Put in w ill ('II) o r w o n 't .<br />

1 Don't d rink coffee before you go to bed. Yo u won’t sleep.<br />

2 Are you ready yet?' 'N ot yet. I.....................................be ready in five m inutes.'<br />

3 I'm going away for a few days. I'm leaving tonight, so I be at hom e tom orrow.<br />

4 I t .....................................rain, so you don't need to take an um brella.<br />

5 a : I don't feel very well this evening.<br />

b: Well, go to bed early and y o u ........................................feel better in the m orning.<br />

6 It's Ben's birthday next M ond ay. H e .......................................be 25.<br />

7 I'm sorry I was late this m orning. It happen again.<br />

W rit e sentences w it h I t h i n k ... o r I d o n 't t h i n k . . . .<br />

1 (Kelly will pass the exam ) (t h in k Kelly.w lll.p as...................................................................................................<br />

2 (Kelly w on't pass the exam ) !.d o n’t t h in k Kelly wil| p a ss t h e exam,...........................................................<br />

3 (we'll win the gam e) I ...................................................................................................................................................<br />

4 (I w on't be here t o m o rro w ) ....................................................................................................................................<br />

5 (Sue will like her present) ....................................................................................................................................<br />

6 (t hey w on't get m arried) ....................................................................................................................................<br />

7 (you w on't enjoy the film ) ....................................................................................................................................<br />

W hich is right? (Study Unit 25 before you do this exercise.)<br />

1 W e'll go / We're going to the theatre tonight. W e've got tickets. (W e're going is rig h t )<br />

2 'W hat will you do / are you doing t o m o rro w evening?' 'N othing. I'm free.'<br />

3 They'll go / They're going away t o m o rro w m orning. Their train is at 8.40.<br />

4 I'm sure yo ur aunt will lend / is lending us som e m oney. She's very rich.<br />

5 'W hy are you putting on yo ur coat?' 'I'll go / I'm going out.'<br />

6 Do you think Clare will phone / is p honing us tonight?<br />

7 Steve can't m eet us on Saturday. He'll w o rk / He's w o rking .<br />

8 W ill you / Shall you be at ho m e to m o rro w evening?<br />

9 a : W h at are yo ur plans for the weekend?<br />

b: Som e friends will com e / are com ing to stay w ith us.<br />


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