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Exercises<br />

Com plete the sentences. Use have to or has to + these verbs:<br />

do hit read speak travel w ear<br />

M y eyes are no t very good. I have t o w ear glasses.<br />

A t the end o f the course all the st u d en t s................................................................a test.<br />

Sarah is studying literature. Sh e................................................................a lot o f books.<br />

Alb ert doesn't und erstand m uch English. Yo u very slowly to him .<br />

Kate is often away from hom e. Sh e................................................................a lot in her job.<br />

In tennis y o u ................................................................the ball over the net.<br />

fgg} Com plete the sentences. Use have to or had to + these verbs:<br />

answ er<br />

buy change go w alk<br />

W e had t o w alk hom e last night. There were no buses.<br />

It's late. I ................................................................................now. I'll see you tom orrow.<br />

I w ent to the superm arket after w o rk yesterday. I ..............................................................................som e food.<br />

This train doesn't go all the way to London. Yo u ..............................................................................at Bristol.<br />

W e did an exam yesterday. W e ................................................................................six questions o ut o f ten.<br />

Com plete the questions. Some are present and some are past.<br />

1 I have to get up early tom orrow. W h at tim e do yo u have t o g et up<br />

2 George had to w ait a long tim e. H o w lo n g .........................................................................................................<br />

3 Lisa has to go som ewhere. W h ere................................................................................................................<br />

4 W e had to pay a lot o f m oney. How m u ch ......................................................................................................<br />

5 I haye to do som e w ork. W h at exact ly..................................................................................................<br />

/L<br />

£ 3 ) W rite sentences with don't/ doesn't/ didn't have t Q<br />

W h y are you going out? Yo u d o n’t .have to .g o o ut,..<br />

W h y is Sue waiting? Sh e............................<br />

W h y did you get up early? Yo u .............<br />

W h y is Paul w o rking so hard? H e .........<br />

W h y do you w ant to leave now? W e .<br />

W hich is correct? Som etim es m ust and have to are both correct. Som etim es only one is correct.<br />

€3 31<br />

1 It's a fantastic film . You m ust see / have to see it. ( b oth are co rrect)<br />

2 Jessica won't be at w o rk this afternoon. She must-ge- / has to go to the doctor.<br />

(has to go is co rr ect)<br />

You can't park yo ur car here for nothing. You m ust pay / have to pay.<br />

I didn't have any m o ney with m e last night, so I m ust borrow / had to borrow som e.<br />

I eat too m uch chocolate. I really m ust stop / have to stop.<br />

Paul is in a hurry. He m ust m eet / has to m eet som ebody in five m inutes.<br />

W hat's wrong? You m ust tell / have to tell me. I w ant to help you.<br />

f f i W rite some things that you (or your friends or family) have to do or had to do.<br />

1 (every day) [M y e t o t r a ^ ..........................................................<br />

2 (every day) ..................................................................................................................................................<br />

3 (yesterday) ..................................................................................................................................................<br />

4 (t o m o rro w ) ..................................................................................................................................................<br />


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