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Unit<br />

7 7 Anot + any no none<br />

/<br />

The car park is em pty.<br />

There aren't an y cars<br />

There are no cars<br />

in the car park.<br />

H o w m any cars are there in the car park?<br />

None.<br />

not (-n't) + any<br />

O There aren't an y cars in the car park.<br />

O Tracey and Jack don't have any children,<br />

j You can have som e coffee, but I don't w ant any.<br />

no + n ou n (no cars / no garden etc.)<br />

no ... = not any o r not a<br />

J There are no cars in the car park. (= there aren't any cars)<br />

( ) W e have no coffee. (= we d o n 't have any coffee)<br />

( ) It's a nice house, but there's no garden. (= there isn't a garden)<br />

W e use no ... especially after have and there is/ are.<br />

n egative verb + any = p osit ive verb + no<br />

They don't have any children, o r They have no children.<br />

(n o t They don't have no child ren)<br />

There isn't any sugar in yo ur coffee, o r There's no sugar in yo ur coffee.<br />

no and none<br />

Use no + n ou n (no m oney / no children etc.):<br />

W e have no money.<br />

) Everything was O K. There were no problems.<br />

Use none alone ( w it h o u t a no un):<br />

'H o w m uch m o ney do you have?' 'None.' (= no m o ney)<br />

'W ere there any problems?' 'No, none.' (= no problem s)<br />

none and no-one<br />

none = 0 (zero)<br />

no-one = n obody<br />

N one is an answer for How m uch? / How m any? (things or people):<br />

a: How m uch m oney do you have?<br />

B: None. (= no m o ney)<br />

O a: H o w m any people did you meet?<br />

b: None. (= no people)<br />

N o-one is an answer for Who?:<br />

a: W ho did you meet?<br />

b: N o-one. (o r N obody.)<br />

164 ( negatives - » Unit 43 some and any 4 Unit 76 anybody/ nobody/ nothing etc. Units 78- 79 )

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