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Exercises<br />

Com plete these sentences. Use only one verb (is/ h ave/ can etc.) each time.<br />

1 Kate wasn't hungry, but w e w ere............................ 4 I haven't seen the film , but Tom<br />

2 I’m not married, but my brother.................... 5 Karen won't be here, but Ch ris....<br />

3 Ben can't help you, but 1................................................... 6 You weren't late, but I ......<br />

CD Com plete these sentences with a negative verb (isn’t/ haven’t/ can’t etc.).<br />

1 M y sister can play the piano, but I ca n ’t 4 M ark has been to China, but I<br />

2 Sam is working today, but 1.......................................... 5 I'm ready to go, but To m ..........<br />

3 I was working , but m y frien d s.................................... 6 I've got a key, but Sarah .............<br />

CD Com plete these sentences with do/ does/ did or don't/ doesn't/ didn't.<br />

1 I don't like hot weather, but Su e d o e s......<br />

2 Sue likes hot weather, but I d.on t ......<br />

3 M y m o ther wears glasses, but m y fat h er.....................................<br />

4 You don't know Paul very well, but I .....................................<br />

5 I didn't enjoy the party, but m y frien d s.....................................<br />

6 I don't w atch TV m uch, but Pet er.....................................<br />

7 Kate lives in London, but her p aren t s.....................................<br />

8 You had breakfast this m orning, but I .....................................<br />

CD Com plete the sentences. W rite about yourself and other people.<br />

1 I d id n 't Q o o u t l a s t n ig h t ,.M t .lTiy.M sn d s.d ld .............................................................................<br />

2 I lik e.......................................................................................,.b u t ...........................................................................<br />

3 I d o n 't ...................................................................................,.b u t ...........................................................................<br />

4 I'm .................................................................................................................................................................................<br />

5 I haven 't .....................................................................................................................................................................<br />

o Put in a verb, positive or negative.<br />

1 Are you tired?' ' I w a s earlier, but I'm not now.'<br />

2 Steve is happy today, but h e ........................................yesterday.<br />

3 The bank isn't open yet, but the sh o p s.........................................<br />

4 I haven't got a telescope, but I know som eb o d y w h o .........................................<br />

5 I w ould like to help you, but I'm afraid I .........................................<br />

6 I don't usually go to w o rk by car, but I ........................................yesterday.<br />

7 a: Have you ever been to the United States?<br />

b: No, but San d ra......................................... She w ent there on holiday last year.<br />

8 'Do you and Chris w atch TV a lot?' ' I ........................................, but Chris doesn't.'<br />

9 I've been invited to Sam's wedding, but Kat e.........................................<br />

10 'Do you think Sarah will pass her driving test?' 'Yes, I'm sure sh e .........................<br />

11 'Are you going o ut tonight?' ' I......................................... I don't kno w for sure.'<br />

Answer these questions about yourself. Use Yes, I h ave. / N o, I'm n o t . etc.<br />

1 Are you Am erican?.........................................NoJ.’m n o t ,...............................................................<br />

2 Have you got a car?<br />

3 Do you feel OK?........................................................................................................................................<br />

4 Is it snowing?...............................................................................................................................................<br />

5 Are you hungry?......................................... ..............................................................................................<br />

6 Do you like classical m usic? ..............................................................................................<br />

7 W ill you be in Paris tom orro w ? ..............................................................................................<br />

8 Have you ever broken yo ur arm ? ..............................................................................................<br />

9 Did you buy anything yesterday? ..............................................................................................<br />

10 W ere you asleep at 3 a.m.?..................................................................................................................

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