COST Action E 52 - vTI - Bund.de

COST Action E 52 - vTI - Bund.de

COST Action E 52 - vTI - Bund.de


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esearch<br />

Some research topics in the field of genetic variation, genetic resources, provenances, genetic<br />

monitoring, genetic differentiation and diseases of beech, which have been conducted in the past five<br />

years or are still un<strong>de</strong>r investigation (BLE 2009) may be mentioned below:<br />

Three studies are un<strong>de</strong>r way to analyse, assess and correlate the resistance or tolerance to drought<br />

in populations of beech. This is particularly of interest in the eastern part of its distribution, where<br />

the rainfall is at its lower limit for beech. Additional studies of wood anatomy and chlorophyll-afluorescence<br />

are also integrated into these studies. Some studies are <strong>de</strong>aling with the genetic structure<br />

in regenerated populations, the influence of thinning on the genetic structure, and the variation in<br />

stands. Genetic monitoring occupies a large part of research, in particular the long-term monitoring<br />

in cooperation with the environmental monitoring of the Level II plots, which have been established<br />

during an EU-wi<strong>de</strong> project. Distinction between seed lots by using stable isotopes or between<br />

Fagus sylvatica and F. orientalis by nuclear marker has been successful. In an ol<strong>de</strong>r provenance trial<br />

it could be shown that economic value, e. g. straight stem form and fine branching, is influenced<br />

by the provenance. Over recent years the <strong>COST</strong> <strong>Action</strong> E<strong>52</strong> is focussing on a joint evaluation of<br />

the international beech provenance trials. Furthermore the complex disease of beech occurring in<br />

western parts of Germany is being investigated more intensively.<br />

reFereNces<br />

BLE <strong>Bund</strong>esanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung: 1999. Zusammenstellung über zugelassenes<br />

Ausgangsmaterial für forstliches Vermehrungsgut in <strong>de</strong>r <strong>Bund</strong>esrepublik Deutschland (Stand<br />

01.10.199 ), 4 6 p.<br />

BLE <strong>Bund</strong>esanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung: 2009. Fortschrittsbericht <strong>de</strong>r <strong>Bund</strong>-Län<strong>de</strong>r-<br />

Arbeitsgruppe ”Forstliche Genressourcen und Forstsaatgutrecht“, 66 p.<br />

BMVEL <strong>Bund</strong>esministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (ed.): 2003 und<br />

2004. Bericht über <strong>de</strong>n Zustand <strong>de</strong>s Wal<strong>de</strong>s, Ergebnisse <strong>de</strong>s forstlichen Umweltmonitoring, Bonn<br />

53 p. and 88 p.<br />

BMVEL <strong>Bund</strong>esministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (ed.): 2005. Das<br />

potenzielle Rohholzaufkommen 2003 – 2042, 91 p.<br />

Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection: 2002. The Second National Forest<br />

Inventory – NFI, Covering the National Forest Inventory Survey of 2001 – 2002 and 1986 – 1988,<br />

211 p. (corresponding German Version, 2002, 8 p.)<br />

FoVG Forstvermehrungsgutgesetz 2002. Published in: <strong>Bund</strong>esgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2002, Teil I,<br />

Nr. 32, p. 1658 – 1666.<br />

Hofmann G., An<strong>de</strong>rs S., Matthes B. 2000. Das potentiell-natürliche und <strong>de</strong>rzeitige Waldbild in <strong>de</strong>n<br />

ost<strong>de</strong>utschen Län<strong>de</strong>rn, Mitteilungen <strong>de</strong>r <strong>Bund</strong>esforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft<br />

Hamburg Nr. 196, 93 p.<br />

Janssen A. (ed.). 2008. Beech Forests – diverse, unique, sustainable. Published by Deutscher<br />

Forstwirtschaftsrat, Berlin, 5 p.<br />


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