Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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5 Vitrectomy for the <strong>Primary</strong> Management of <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong><br />

recovery time, with lengthened disability. While these factors<br />

might seem small for the individual case, it is estimated that up to<br />

30,000–50,000 retinal detachments are treated annually in the<br />

United States.<br />

Further data will be required to define the role of vitrectomy for<br />

the management of uncomplicated retinal detachments. In particular,<br />

these studies should provide strong clinical evidence for<br />

situations where the benefits from vitrectomy are superior to<br />

scleral buckling. At the present time, the main limitation for<br />

vitrectomy in phakic eyes is the progression of nuclear cataract.<br />

Until there are better treatments developed to prevent this complication,<br />

scleral buckling remains the main treatment modality<br />

for most retinal detachments with vitrectomy as an adjunct for<br />

more complex cases.<br />

References<br />

1. Lincoff H, Baras I, McLean J (1965) Modifications to the Custodis procedure<br />

for retinal detachment. Arch Ophthalmol 73:160–163<br />

2. Kreissig I (2000) A practical guide to minimal surgery for retinal<br />

detachment: volume 1. Diagnostics – segmental buckling without<br />

drainage – case presentations. Thieme Stuttgart, New York, pp 1–300<br />

3. Kreissig I (2000) A practical guide to minimal surgery for retinal<br />

detachment: volume 2. Temporary tamponades with balloon and<br />

gases without drainage – reoperation – case presentations. Thieme<br />

Stuttgart, New York, pp 1–368<br />

4. Cousins S, Boniuk I, Okun E, Johnston GP, Arribas NP, Escoffery RF,<br />

Grand MG, Olk RJ, Schoch LJ (1986) Pseudophakic retinal detachments<br />

in the presence of various IOL types. Ophthalmology 93:1198–<br />

1208<br />

5. McHugh D, Wong D, Chignell A, Leaver P, Cooling RJ (1991)<br />

Pseudophakic retinal detachment. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol<br />

229:521–525<br />

6. Minihan M, Tanner V, Williamson TH (2001) <strong>Primary</strong> rhegmatogenous<br />

retinal detachment: 20 years of change. Br J Ophthalmol 85:<br />


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