Primary Retinal Detachment
Primary Retinal Detachment
Primary Retinal Detachment
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2 Prophylaxis in Fellow Eye of <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong> 27<br />
ment could (and should) be achieved by systematic “prophylactic”<br />
treatment of various pre-existing asymptomatic retinal lesions.<br />
Two large long-term surveys of reports in the literature, purporting<br />
to substantiate the correctness of this view were published<br />
by Meyer-Schwickerath and Fried in 1980 [3] and by Haut et al. in<br />
1988 [4] all of whom were staunch advocates of this standard of<br />
care and believed that it provided substantial success in achieving<br />
the goal of preventing retinal detachment. Both surveys revealed<br />
that there was a residual risk of retinal detachment, even after<br />
those attempts to prevent it, amounting to 5% in the first report [3]<br />
and 2–5.5% in the second report [4], depending on the modality<br />
used.<br />
Eventually, however, various reports began to appear which<br />
tended to agree in showing that the three underlying assumptions<br />
which formed the basis of the new standard of care were not accurate.<br />
With regard to the first assumption, the bilaterality of retinal<br />
detachment had been considerably overestimated, and instead of<br />
being 20–50%, was in the range of 6–11% [5–13] (Table 2.1).<br />
With regard to the second assumption, it has been reported that<br />
72% of new symptomatic retinal tears occur in retinal areas that<br />
appear clinically normal [14]; and, in a large autopsy study of eyes<br />
Table 2.1. Incidence of bilateral retinal detachment<br />
Author(s) Incidence (%)<br />
Toernquist 1963 [5] 11.2<br />
Edmund 1964 [6] 9.3<br />
Boeke 1966 [7] 6.6<br />
Michaelson et al. 1969 [8] 10.9<br />
Davis et al. 1974 [9] 7.9<br />
Bleckman and Engels 1975 [10] 8.1<br />
Haut and Massin 1975 [11] 11.4<br />
Laatikainen and Harju 1985 [12] 10.0<br />
Toernquist et al. 1987 [13] 11.0