Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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10 <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong> Repair: Outlook for the Future<br />

Fig. 10.10. Accommodating intraocular lens (IOL): two positions. IOL<br />

moves with ciliary body contraction<br />

In the future, the incidence of pseudophakia will be much<br />

higher. Anterior segment surgeons will be implanting accommodating<br />

intraocular lenses (IOLs) to treat presbyopia (Fig. 10.10).<br />

The development of this and other lens replacement devices to<br />

treat presbyopia and, potentially, low vision will increase the<br />

number of eyes that have had cataract surgery, and this will likely<br />

increase the prevalence of retinal detachment [7]. The technologies<br />

of accommodating IOLs being currently developed do entail an<br />

intact posterior capsule and the use of capsulorhexis, so the difficulties<br />

of viewing the peripheral retina using our current technologies<br />

will need to be addressed (Fig. 10.11). Multizone phakic<br />

Fig. 10.11. Phimosis of anterior capsule limits peripheral retina visualization

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