Primary Retinal Detachment
Primary Retinal Detachment
Primary Retinal Detachment
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50<br />
3 Encircling Operation with Drainage for <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong><br />
vitrectomy. Both procedures share the complications of penetrating<br />
ocular injury.<br />
After careful examination, a skillfully executed encircling and<br />
drainage operation has a high rate of success. However, morbidity<br />
leads to a gradual change in the author’s practice. Encircling and<br />
drainage are not necessary conditions for a high rate of first operation<br />
success after scleral buckling; in fact, one can be equally successful<br />
employing less-morbid procedures. An editorial concluded<br />
that “accurate localization of all retinal holes and precise placing of<br />
the buckle are of course essential, and confidence in the success of<br />
the procedure is necessary to outweigh a fear of failure induced<br />
in the surgeon by the presence of fluid under the retina at the end<br />
of the operation. The temptation to drain and ‘make sure’ must be<br />
resisted.Yielding may well court complications” [43].<br />
� Acknowledgements. Illustrations by Daniel Casper, MD, PhD.<br />
This chapter was supported by an unrestricted grant generously<br />
provided by Mr. Walter Klein.<br />
References<br />
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2. Schepens CL, Okamura ID, Brockhurst RJ (1957) The scleral buckling<br />
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58:797–811<br />
3. Janssens GJA (1958) The treatment of retinal detachment by means of<br />
“eye-ball reducing” operations. Dekker & van de Vegt N.V., Utrecht<br />
4. Safar K (1932) Behandlung der Netzhautabloesung mit Elektroden<br />
fuer multiple diathermische Stichelung. Ber Dtsch Ophthalmol Ges<br />
49:119<br />
5. Jess A (1937) Temporaere Skleraleindellung als Hilfsmittel bei der<br />
Operation der Netzhautabloesung. Klin Monatsbl Augenheildlk 99:<br />