Primary Retinal Detachment
Primary Retinal Detachment
Primary Retinal Detachment
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References 189<br />
ocular (pneumatic retinopexy and primary vitrectomy). To succeed<br />
with any of these methods, the leaking break still has to be found<br />
and sealed. Therefore, finding and closing the retinal break in a<br />
rhegmatogenous retinal detachment will continue to be the primary<br />
purpose of any surgical effort.<br />
With any of the four presently applied surgical techniques, retinal<br />
attachment can result in 94–99% of primary rhegmatogenous<br />
retinal detachments, but with different degrees of morbidity. At<br />
this point in time, we must wait to see which of these four procedures<br />
or their extended modifications will prevail or whether a<br />
better and less morbid method for repair of retinal detachment<br />
will evolve.<br />
References<br />
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23:No. 17<br />
3. Guist E (1931) Eine neue Ablatiooperation. Ztsch Augenheilk 74:<br />
232–242<br />
4. Lindner K (1931) Ein Beitrag zur Entstehung und Behandlung der<br />
idiopathischen und der traumatischen Netzhautabloesung. Graefes<br />
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5. Safar K (1932) Behandlung der Netzhautabhebung mit Elektroden<br />
fuer multiple diathermische Stichelung. Dtsch Ophthalmol Ges 39:<br />
119<br />
6. Rosengren B (1938) Ueber die Behandlung der Netzhautabloesung<br />
mittelst Diathermie und Luftinjektion in den Glaskoerper. Acta<br />
Ophthalmol 16:3–42<br />
7. Schepens CL (1953) Prognosis and treatment of retinal detachment.<br />
The Mark J Schoenberg Memorial Lecture.A review by Kronenberg B,<br />
New York Society for Clinical Ophthalmology. Am J Ophthalmol 36:<br />
1739–1756<br />
8. Arruga MH (1958) Le cerclage equatorial pour traiter le decollement<br />
retinien. Bull Soc Franc Ophtal 71:571–580