Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment

Primary Retinal Detachment


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Discussion 71<br />

surgical failures. Failure to close the initial break and re-opening of<br />

the initial break are typically grouped together. This problem is<br />

encountered in 5% to14% of cases [13, 15] and is responsible for 25%<br />

to 51% of surgical failures. PVR occurs postoperatively in 3% to 13%<br />

of cases in reported series [3, 9, 10–18], though fortunately, it is a<br />

rare cause of failure.<br />

Discussion<br />

Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is a very heterogeneous<br />

disease state, and, as a result, comparison of surgical results of different<br />

techniques is difficult. Certainly PR, primary PPV, and SB<br />

each have a place in a surgeon’s armamentarium of treatment<br />

modalities. The use of PR is limited by anatomic considerations –<br />

number, location and size of breaks, chronicity, preoperative PVR,<br />

and lens status – while primary PPV and SB techniques can be used<br />

for most cases of RRD. Nevertheless, PR has advantages in certain<br />

clinical situations.<br />

Advantages of PR<br />

Given an optimal clinical scenario, PR has several advantages over<br />

primary PPV and/or SB for the repair of a RRD. Pneumatic<br />

retinopexy is usually performed in the office or as a brief procedure<br />

in an outpatient surgical facility. In a multicenter trial reported<br />

by Tornambe [13], the average number of hospital days including<br />

re-operations was 0.6 days for the PR group and 2.7 days<br />

for the SB group. The physician spends less time waiting for availability<br />

of the operating room, performing the procedure, and performing<br />

post-operative hospital rounds. It should be noted, however,<br />

that since this publication in 1989, the majority of procedures,<br />

including PR, primary PPV, and SB, are now performed in an outpatient<br />


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