Primary Retinal Detachment
Primary Retinal Detachment
Primary Retinal Detachment
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68<br />
Results<br />
4 Pneumatic Retinopexy for <strong>Primary</strong> <strong>Retinal</strong> <strong>Detachment</strong><br />
Anatomic Results of PR<br />
The reported primary anatomic success rates of PR vary widely in<br />
published series, ranging from 61% to 90% with an overall single<br />
procedure combined rate of 75.5% – 918/1,215 cases (Table 4.7) [3,<br />
9–18, 26–29]. There does not appear to be a difference between the<br />
selection of tamponade agents with respect to anatomic outcome –<br />
with filtered air, SF 6,and C 3F 8 having similar reported results.<br />
There is no trend toward higher success rates over time. The 84%<br />
primary anatomic success rate reported by Hilton [9] is similar<br />
to the reports by Abecia [15] and Eter [28], with success rates of<br />
82% and 86%, respectively. The overall final anatomic (with reoperations)<br />
success varies between 87% and 100% in this group of<br />
Table 4.7. Anatomic and visual outcomes<br />
Author Year Number Technique <strong>Primary</strong> Final Visual<br />
of success success outcome<br />
patients (for maculadetached<br />
subset)<br />
Hilton 1986 20 0.3 cc 90% 100%<br />
[3] C3F8 0.6 cc<br />
SF6 Hilton 1987 100 C3F8 or 84% 98% 65%<br />
[9] SF6 20/20–20/50<br />
Chen 1988 51 0.3 cc 63% – 35%<br />
[16] C 3F 8 20/20–20/50<br />
Lowe 1988 55 0.3–0.5 cc 82% 98%<br />
[12] C 3F 8