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182<br />

G#ndirea militar` rom#neasc` ~ 3/2002<br />

HE – High Explosive<br />

HEC – Helicopter Element Coordinator<br />

HEL – High-Energy Laser<br />

HEP – High-Explosive Plastic<br />

HESH – High-Explosive Squash Head<br />

HET – Heavy Equipment<br />

HF – High Frequency (Decametric Waves)<br />

HFA – Helsinki Final Act<br />

HICAP – High Combat Air Patrol<br />

HIDACZ – High-Density Airspace Control Zone<br />

HIFR – Helicopter In-Flight Refueling<br />

HILEX – High-Level Exercise<br />

HIMEZ – High Missile Engagement Zone<br />

HINS – Helicopter Integrated Navigation System<br />

HIPAR – High-Power Acquisition Radar<br />

HIPIR – High-Power Illumination Radar<br />

HIR – Hydrostatic Impact Rocket<br />

HIS – Hostile Intelligence Service<br />

HLG – High-Level Group<br />

HLTF – High Level Task Force<br />

HLTF/R – Reinforced High Level Task Force<br />

IAG – International Auditing Guideline<br />

IAP – Instrument Approach Procedures<br />

IAPC – International Auditing Practices Committee<br />

IAR – Intelligence Area of Responsibility<br />

IAS – International Accounting Standard<br />

– Indicated Air Speed<br />

IAU – Infrastructure Accounting Unit<br />

IBA – International Board of Auditors for NATO<br />

IBERLANT – Iberain Atlantic Area/IBL<br />

IC – Iceland/IS/ISL<br />

ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization<br />

ICAOC – Interim Combined Air Operations Centre<br />

ICAPS – Integrated Command Anti-Submarine<br />

Warfare<br />

ICB – International Competitive Bidding<br />

– International Call for Bids<br />

ICBM – Intercontinental Ballistic Missile<br />

ICM – Improved Conventional Munitions<br />

ICP – Infrastructure Capability Package<br />

– Inventory Control Point<br />

ICT – International Call for Tenders<br />

ICV – Infantry Combat Vehicle<br />

ID – Indonesia/IDN<br />

I<br />

HLTFST – High Level Task Force Support Team<br />

HLWG – High Level Working Group<br />

HN – Host Nation – Honduras/HND/HO<br />

HNIP – Host Nation In-Place (forces)<br />

HNS – Host Nation Support<br />

HOB – Height of Burst<br />

HOD – Head of Delegation<br />

HOJ – Home-on-Jam (Capability)<br />

HPA – High-Power Amplifier<br />

HPPS – High-Pressure Pump Station<br />

HQ – Headquarters<br />

HQ NORTH – Headquarters Allied Forces<br />

North Europe<br />

HRP – Helicopter Reference Point<br />

HSSV – High-Speed Surface Vessel<br />

HU – Hungary/HUN<br />

HUD – Head-Up Display<br />

HUMINT – Human Intelligence<br />

HUNTEX – Minehunting Exercise<br />

HVAC – Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning<br />

HVU – High Value Unit<br />

IDF – Interceptor Day Fighter<br />

IDS – Intrusion Detection System<br />

IED – Improvised Explosive Device<br />

IEG – Information Exchange Group<br />

IEPG – Independent European Programme Group<br />

IEPR – Initial Exercise Press Release<br />

IFAC – International Federation of Accountants<br />

IFB – Invitation For Bids<br />

IFCS – Improved Fire-Control System<br />

IFF – Identification Friend or Foe<br />

IFL – International Frequency List<br />

IFR – Inflight Refueling<br />

IFV – Infantry Fighting Vehicle<br />

IHSC – International HQ & Support Command<br />

IJMS – Interim JTIDS Message Standard<br />

IL – Israel/IS/ISR<br />

ILDP – Inter-Look Dormant Period<br />

ILS – Integrated Logistic Support<br />

– Instrument Landing System<br />

IM – Interceptor Missile<br />

IMAT – Independent Maritime Analysis Team<br />

IMC – Instrument Meteorological Conditions<br />

IMINT – Imagery Intelligence<br />

IMM – Integrated Materiel Management

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