20.02.2013 Aufrufe

Hg. Gisela Burckhardt

Hg. Gisela Burckhardt

Hg. Gisela Burckhardt

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makeITfair (2009) Playing with labour rights. Music player and game<br />

console manufacturing in China. Hrsg. von FinnWatch, SACOM &<br />

SOMO, Helsinki, Hong Kong und Amsterdam<br />

makeITfair (2010) Voices from the inside. Local views on mining<br />

reform in Eastern DR Congo. Hrsg. Finnwatch & SwedWatch, Helsinki<br />

und Stockholm<br />

makeITfair (2011) Game console and music player production in<br />

China. A follow-up report on four suppliers in Guangdong. Hrsg. von<br />

Finnwatch, SACOM & SOMO, Helsinki, Hong Kong und Amsterdam.<br />

Mallin, Christine A. (2009) Corporate Social Responsibility: A case<br />

study approach. Cheltenham<br />

Otto Group (2011) Otto Group und Grameen gründen ein modernes<br />

Social Business zur Produktion von Textilien – „Fabrik der Zukunft “.<br />

http://www.ottogroup.com/de/medien/meldungen/otto-group-undgrameen.php<br />

(Letzter Zugriff : 12.09.2011)<br />

Reed Consulting/GTZ (2010) A CSR Guide for Entrepreneurs and<br />

Factory Managers, Dhaka<br />

Ruggie, John (2011) Guiding Principles on Business and Human<br />

Rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and<br />

Remedy” Framework. UN Doc A/HRC/17/<br />

Ruggie, John Gerard (2003) Taking Embedded Liberalism Global.Th e<br />

Corporate Connection. In: Held, David; Koenig-Archibugi, Mathias<br />

(<strong>Hg</strong>.): Taming Globalization: frontiers of governance. Polity Press,<br />

Oxford<br />

SACOM (2011) Shielding Labour Rights Violations in the ICT<br />

Certifi cation System<br />

SACOM (2010 a) Disney, Walmart and ICTI Together Make Workers’<br />

Rights Violations Normal and Sustainable<br />

SACOM (2010 b) Tolerating Violations in the ICTI CARE Process<br />

(verfügbar unter www.sacom.hk)<br />

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