15.12.2012 Aufrufe

Fakultät VI Planen Bauen Umwelt - TU Berlin

Fakultät VI Planen Bauen Umwelt - TU Berlin

Fakultät VI Planen Bauen Umwelt - TU Berlin


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<strong>Fakultät</strong> <strong>VI</strong> <strong>Planen</strong> <strong>Bauen</strong> <strong>Umwelt</strong><br />

Geostatistics<br />

3633 L 213, Integrierte LV (VL mit UE), 2.0 SWS<br />

Di, wöchentl, 12:00 - 14:00, 12.04.2011 - 16.07.2011, H 6131 , Kolbe, Kaden<br />

Di, wöchentl, 12:00 - 14:00, 12.04.2011 - 16.07.2011, H 6134<br />

Bemerkung IV geostatistics is part of the Module "GIS Analytical methods".<br />

Visualisation techniques of Spatial Data<br />

3633 L 214, Integrierte LV (VL mit UE), 3.0 SWS<br />

Do, wöchentl, 10:00 - 13:00, 14.04.2011 - 16.07.2011, H 6131 , Kolbe, König, Kaden<br />

Do, wöchentl, 10:00 - 13:00, 14.04.2011 - 16.07.2011, H 6134 , Kolbe, König, Kaden<br />

Bemerkung IV visualisation techniques is part of the Module "GIS Visualisation".<br />

Geodatabase management<br />

3633 L 215, Integrierte LV (VL mit UE), 2.0 SWS<br />

Do, wöchentl, 13:00 - 15:00, 14.04.2011 - 16.07.2011, H 6131 , Kolbe, Nagel<br />

Bemerkung IV Geodatabase management is part of the Module "GIS Administration".<br />

GIS Seminar<br />

3633 L 216, Seminar, 2.0 SWS<br />

Mo, wöchentl, 12:00 - 14:00, 11.04.2011 - 16.07.2011, H 6104 , Kolbe, Nagel<br />

Bemerkung SE GIS seminar is part of the Module "GIS Project Seminar Geoinformation<br />

Technology".<br />

Physical Geodesy<br />

3633 L 217, Integrierte LV (VL mit UE), 2.0 SWS<br />

Di, wöchentl, 08:00 - 10:00, 12.04.2011 - 16.07.2011, H 6131 , Stary<br />

Inhalt Coming from the density field of the earth the fundamental integral formulas (body, surface<br />

and line integrals) of the potential theory are derived. The definition of the gravitation<br />

potential using spherical function presentations and the gravity field using homogeneous<br />

finite polyhedrons is the basis for a mathematical description. After explaining the geodetic<br />

normal potential and disturbance potential with its gradients (normal weight and weight<br />

disturbance vector) the geodetic boundary value tasks for the ball can be solved. The<br />

theory of the Hilbert spaces with reproducing core (generalised splines) forms the basis<br />

for an efficient regional approximation of the disturbance potential using point and<br />

line singularities, which are needed in particular for the adequate linkage of terrestrial<br />

measuring data with satellite measuring data. The basic concepts of the evaluation<br />

of airborne gravimetry measurements form the conclusion of the potential-theoretical<br />

concept procedures.<br />

Bemerkung The exact date will be published at the beginning of the semester.<br />

For further information please have a look at our black board in the main building, 5th<br />

floor, room H 5121.<br />

Physical Geodasy is part of the Module "SGN Physical Geodasy".<br />

Voraussetzung Extensive knowledge of maths, physics and computing is desirable.<br />

Geodetic Methods in Planetary Research<br />

3633 L 218 IV, Integrierte LV (VL mit UE), 2.0 SWS<br />

Mi, wöchentl, 12:00 - 14:00, 13.04.2011 - 16.07.2011, H 6131 , Oberst<br />

Inhalt This course will discuss the various methods that are being used to de-termine orbit, size,<br />

shape, and rotation of planetary bodies and to map their surface topography and gravity<br />

fields. We shall discuss in some depth the basic tools used in planetary geodesy such<br />

as cameras, laser altimeters, and radar. One focus is on photogrammetric procedures<br />

for construction of topographic models from stereo data; another is on the refinement<br />

of surface models by bundle block adjustments and photo-metric analysis (shape from<br />

shading). We shall discuss methods for analysis of data obtained from orbit or from the<br />

ground using cameras on landed spacecraft or on rovers roaming the surface. We shall<br />

also deal with the development and use of planetary information systems and the use of<br />

visualisation techniques.<br />

Bemerkung The module element is a part of the module "SGN Planetary Geodesy"!<br />

The exact date will be published at the beginning of the semester.<br />

SoSe 2011 85

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