29.12.2012 Aufrufe

Englisch - Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Universität ...

Englisch - Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Universität ...

Englisch - Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Universität ...


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Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats C-LAB<br />

(seit 01/2011)<br />

Jurymitglied UGO-Preis<br />

Mentor <strong>für</strong> BMBF-geförderte Unternehmens -<br />

gründung „maxcluster“<br />

Vorjuror beim interdisziplinären Ideenwett be -<br />

werb GENERATION-D (seit 05/2011)<br />

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte<br />

Current Research Projects<br />

SOGRO – Sofortrettung bei Großunfall<br />

In Katastrophenfällen sind eine schnelle und<br />

effiziente Erstversorgung der Verletzten sowie<br />

eine koordinierte und zielgerichtete Weiter ver -<br />

sorgung dieser von zentraler Bedeutung <strong>für</strong><br />

eine erfolgreiche Sofortrettung. Im vom Bun -<br />

desministerium <strong>für</strong> Bildung und Forschung<br />

(BMBF) geförderten Forschungsprojekt SOGRO<br />

werden der Einsatz von Informations- und Kom -<br />

munikationstechnologien (IKT) und dessen Aus -<br />

wirkungen auf den Rettungsprozess erforscht.<br />

Auf Basis moderner IKT wird eine durchgängige<br />

Informationskette von der Erfassung, Sichtung<br />

und Versorgung der Verletzten, der Nachver -<br />

folg barkeit von Transportwegen bis hin zur<br />

Klinikaufnahme aufgebaut, um so zu einer effizienteren<br />

Erstversorgung der Verletzten beizutragen.<br />

Der Lehrstuhl führt in diesem Projekt<br />

die ökonomische Begleitforschung durch, dazu<br />

gehören u. a. die ökonomische Bewertung der<br />

erforschten Rettungstechnologien sowie die<br />

Entwicklung tragfähiger Geschäftsmodelle zur<br />

erfolgreichen Markteinführung.<br />

Utilization Levels and Productivity Effects of<br />

Information Technology Investments<br />

Explaining productivity effects of factor inputs<br />

is an important research topic since improving<br />

the general standard of living is highly dependent<br />

on the ability to grow businesses, industries<br />

and economies, thereby increasing output.<br />

While the productivity effects of labor and noninformation<br />

technology capital and their interrelations<br />

in the transformation process to output<br />

have recently become better understood,<br />

researchers still struggle to explain the full productivity<br />

effects of investments in information<br />

technology (IT) capital. Explaining these full<br />

effects is critical because, increasingly, IT enable<br />

innovation, is the foundation for efficient intraand<br />

inter-organizational processes, and determines<br />

how industries conduct business. In the<br />

last twenty years and especially with the advent<br />

of the information age, IS researchers have<br />

made good progress in laying the basis for an<br />

explanatory model that includes IT as a separate<br />

input factor to explain pro ductivity effects<br />

of IT investments by extending standard production<br />

theoretical models using e.g. the Cobb-<br />

Douglas or Translog production functions.<br />

These standard models typically assume complete<br />

or at least constant factor utilization.<br />

Given fluctuations in the utilization of input factors<br />

– especially in severe economic downturns<br />

as we currently observe – and absent the<br />

opportunity to adjust the IT capital input in the<br />

short term, there are numerous measurement<br />

issues that have to be analyzed and dealt with<br />

in order to extend the models and derive more<br />

accurate productivity estimates of IT investments.<br />

Optimal global sourcing of software development<br />

projects<br />

With the main focus on cost reduction in valua-<br />

tion of sourcing alternatives, risk and risk diversification<br />

effects are often inadequately considered<br />

or completely neglected in decisions associated<br />

with global sourcing decisions for software<br />

development projects. This systematically<br />

results in poor decisions. In this project, we<br />

analyze sourcing costs and associated risks as<br />

well as interdependencies among both sites<br />

and projects. The special focus here is on the<br />

identification of correlation effects between<br />

sites. A normative model shall be developed,<br />

based on e.g. modern portfolio theory, and<br />

validated using data from IT services providers.<br />

IT events and their effect on prices and markets<br />

Securities exchanges are becoming increasingly<br />

automated. Over the course of the past years,<br />

most major exchanges have upgraded their<br />

trading infrastructure to accommodate the<br />

increase in algorithmic trading. E.g. about half<br />

of all trades executed on XETRA, the fully electronic<br />

cash market system operated by Deut -<br />

sche Börse, are generated by algorithmic trading<br />

engines. The effects of IS (in terms of infrastructure<br />

or in terms of automated trading on<br />

the market outcome as well as on the development<br />

of the financial markets in general) are so<br />

far not well understood. In this project, using<br />

primarily the event study methodology, IT-driven<br />

events will be analyzed with respect to<br />

their different impacts on financial markets.<br />

At the same time, we address and explore the<br />

methodological challenges associated with<br />

applying the event-study methodology to financial<br />

market data.<br />

Web services platform to analyze mass data<br />

With the dramatic increase in the speed and<br />

availability of computer networks, a significant<br />

proportion of all economic activities is now conducted<br />

electronically. In particular, the field of<br />

financial trading has seen an unprecedented<br />

increase in both the number of participants and<br />

the volume of trades conducted via electronic<br />

markets. As a result, high frequency data has<br />

become increasingly available for historical<br />

analysis by researchers in fields like econometrics,<br />

finance and accounting. Analyzing such<br />

datasets requires – at least – expert domain<br />

knowledge (e.g. in finance and microeconomics),<br />

experience, and IT skills. In addition to<br />

being able to identify suitable data sources and<br />

specify the right search criteria, users must be<br />

able to perform a wide range of analysis functions<br />

(statistical, data mining, language processing)<br />

and present results in a suitable form<br />

(e.g. through visualization or report creation).<br />

Analysis processes cannot be determined in<br />

advance as users tend to perform tasks in a<br />

piecemeal fashion. When the type of analysis<br />

is complex, users spend a lot of effort cleaning,<br />

reading and interpreting the data, converting<br />

datasets from one format to another, copying<br />

some results from one file to another, and<br />

merging datasets with different semantics.<br />

These activities increase analysis time and the<br />

risk of errors. In this project, an environment<br />

will be developed that supports a Service-<br />

Oriented Architecture (SOA), making it possible<br />

to define re-usable and interoperable software<br />

components as web services which can manipulate<br />

the elements of an underlying, eventbased<br />

data model. Such a model allows a<br />

coherent representation of market activities –<br />

particularly high-frequency market and news<br />

data – as events.<br />

<strong>Fakultät</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Wirtschaftswissenschaften</strong><br />

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics<br />

Department 3 – Wirtschaftsinformatik<br />

Department 3 – Business Information Systems<br />

Aktuelle Kooperationen<br />

Current Cooperation Projects<br />

Impact of infrastructural Changes on the Quality<br />

of Securities Prices<br />

Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt, Dr. Ryan Riordan,<br />

Institut <strong>für</strong> Informationswirtschaft und Mana -<br />

gement, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),<br />

Karlsruhe/Germany<br />

Optimal Sourcing of Software Development<br />

Projects<br />

Prof. Dr. Bernd Heinrich, Dr. Steffen Zimmer mann,<br />

School of Management Information Systems,<br />

University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck/Austria<br />

Webservices for E-Finance Applications<br />

Prof. Fethi Rabhi, University of New South Wales,<br />

Sydney/Australien<br />

IT Productivity<br />

Prof. Barrie Nault, PhD, Department of Manage -<br />

ment Information Systems, University of Calgary,<br />

Calgary/Kanada<br />

Economics of IS<br />

Prof. Mohammad Rahman, PhD, Department of<br />

Management Information Systems, University<br />

of Calgary, Calgary/Kanada<br />

Corporate Valuation and Taxes<br />

Prof. Dr. Markus Diller, University of Passau,<br />

Passau/Germany<br />

Economics of Controls<br />

Prof. Dr. Stefan Sackmann, Martin-Luther-Uni -<br />

versität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Germany<br />

Risk Reporting & Risk Management Systems<br />

Bertelsmann AG, Gütersloh/Germany<br />

IT Risk Management & IT Governance<br />

Volks wagen AG, Wolfsburg/Germany<br />

Enterprise Architecture Planning<br />

Senacor Technologies AG, Nuremberg/Germany<br />

IT Projektportfoliomanagement<br />

Deutsche Postbank AG, Bonn/Germany<br />

E-Mobility<br />

C-LAB, Siemens IT Solutions and Services,<br />

Siemens AG, Munich/Germany<br />

<strong>Fakultät</strong>sinterne Kooperationen an der<br />

<strong>Universität</strong> Paderborn:<br />

KPIs for an IT Organization & E-Mobility<br />

Prof. Dr. Leena Suhl, DSOR Lab<br />

E-Clicker<br />

Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner, Lehrstuhl Wirtschafts -<br />

pädagogik II<br />

Gastaufenthalte<br />

Paderborn Academics as Guest<br />

Researchers<br />

Prof. Dr. Dennis Kundisch<br />

University of Calgary, Canada, 03.–20.12.2010,<br />

Joint research project on Utilization Levels and<br />

Productivity Effects of Information Technology<br />

Investments<br />

University of Calgary, Canada, 07.–22.09.2011,<br />

Joint research project on Utilization Levels and<br />

Productivity Effects of Information Technology<br />

Investments<br />


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