29.12.2012 Aufrufe

Englisch - Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Universität ...

Englisch - Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Universität ...

Englisch - Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Universität ...


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<strong>Fakultät</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Wirtschaftswissenschaften</strong><br />

Faculty of Business Administration and Economics<br />

Department 3 – Wirtschaftsinformatik<br />

Department 3 – Business Information Systems<br />

78<br />

Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Atilla Yalçın<br />

Yalçın, A.; Koberstein, A.: Optimising procurement<br />

portfolios to mitigate risk in supply<br />

chains. In: Hu B., Morasch K., Pickl S., Siegle<br />

M. (Hrsg.): Operations Research Proceedings<br />

2010, Springer 2011, pp. 459–464<br />

Yalçın, A.; Wolf, C.: Optimal supply contract<br />

design with multiple suppliers under supply<br />

and demand risks. Conference Proceedings<br />

ICAOR, Istanbul, 2011<br />

Promotionen<br />

Ph.D. Projects<br />

Dr. Christian Temath<br />

Performance measurement in airline revenue<br />

management – a simulation-based assessment<br />

of network-based revenue opportunity model<br />

11.04.2011<br />

Dr. Franz Wesselmann<br />

Generating General-Purpose Cutting Planes for<br />

Mixed-Integer Programs<br />

03.02.2011<br />

Dr. Jörg Wiese<br />

Quantitative Decision Support for the Layout<br />

Design of Container Terminals<br />

14.06.2011<br />

Preise und Auszeichnungen<br />

Prizes and Awards<br />

Prof. Dr. Leena Suhl<br />

Aufnahme in die „Alpha Iota Delta – Internatio -<br />

nal Honor Society in the Decision Sciences and<br />

Information Systems“ im Mai 2011<br />

Simon Gurcke<br />

Preis <strong>für</strong> hervorragende Abschlussarbeit<br />

(Bachelor arbeit), Sponsor: DS&OR Alumni<br />

Daniela Lüers<br />

Preis <strong>für</strong> hervorragende Abschlussarbeit<br />

(Bachelorarbeit), Sponsor: DS&OR Alumni<br />

Torben Schramme<br />

Preis <strong>für</strong> hervorragende Abschlussarbeit<br />

(Masterarbeit), Sponsor: DS&OR Alumni<br />

Dipl.-Math. Florian Stapel<br />

Preis <strong>für</strong> den besten Abschluss Master/Diplom<br />

in Mathematik, 2011, Sponsor: Orga Systems<br />

Dr. Franz Wesselmann<br />

Preis der Unternehmergruppe Ostwestfalen<br />

e. V. <strong>für</strong> wissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus dem<br />

Be reich der <strong>Wirtschaftswissenschaften</strong> und<br />

an grenzender Gebiete <strong>für</strong> die Doktorarbeit,<br />

2011<br />

Google Corporation: Google Research Grant in<br />

Operations Research, 2011<br />

Tagungen, Seminare, Messen<br />

Conferences, Seminars, Fairs<br />

Prof. Dr. Leena Suhl<br />

Modeling approaches for robust vehicle scheduling<br />

in public transport. Workshop Decision<br />

Support for Real-Time Public Transport Opera -<br />

tions, Erasmus University Rotterdam, School of<br />

Economics. October 22, 2010<br />

INFORMS Annual Meeting, Sitzungsleitung,<br />

Austin, TX, USA, November 7–10, 2010<br />

Wirtschaftsinformatik 2011, Associate editor<br />

des Tracks IS in Industrie und Unternehmens -<br />

anwendungen, Zürich, 16.–18.2.2011<br />

GOR AG Entscheidungstheorie und Wirt schafts -<br />

informatik, Sitzungsleitung, HSU Hamburg,<br />

31.3.–1.4.2011<br />

Ionescu, L.; Dück, V.; Kliewer, N.; Suhl, L.:<br />

Stability and Flexibility of Crew and Aircraft<br />

schedules. AGIFORS Operations Conference,<br />

London, UK, May 2011<br />

DS&OR Forum, Technologiepark Paderborn,<br />

6.–7.7.2011<br />

Operations Research 2011, Vorsitzende der<br />

Kom mission zur Vergabe von Dissertations prei -<br />

sen der Gesellschaft <strong>für</strong> Operations Research,<br />

Zürich, 2.–4.9.2011<br />

14th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on<br />

Transportation (EWGT), Mitglied des Programm -<br />

komitees, Poznan, Poland, September 16–18,<br />

2011<br />

Doktorandenworkshop Operations Research<br />

<strong>für</strong> Automobilindustrie, Niedersächsisches<br />

For schungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik (NFF),<br />

Wolfs burg, 23.9.2011<br />

Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Boris Amberg<br />

Amberg, Bo.; Amberg, Ba.; Kliewer, N.: Approa -<br />

ches for increasing the similarity of resource<br />

schedules in public transport. 14th Meeting of<br />

the EURO Working Group on Transportation<br />

(EWGT), Poznan, Poland, September 2011<br />

Amberg, Ba.; Amberg, Bo.; Kliewer, N.: Increa -<br />

sing delay-tolerance of vehicle and crew schedules<br />

in public transport by sequential, partialintegrated<br />

and integrated approaches. 14th<br />

Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Trans -<br />

portation (EWGT), Poznan, Poland, September<br />

2011<br />

Amberg, Bo.; Amberg, Ba.; Kliewer, N.: Sequen -<br />

tial and partial integrated vehicle and crew<br />

scheduling with various timetables – increasing<br />

the similarity of resource schedules in public<br />

transport. Operations Research 2011, Inter -<br />

natio nal Conference on Operations Research,<br />

Zurich, Switzerland, August 2011<br />

Amberg, Ba.; Amberg, Bo.; Kliewer, N.: Increa -<br />

sing stability and flexibility of vehicle and crew<br />

schedules in public transport. IFORS 2011,<br />

Con ference for the International Federation of<br />

Operational Research Societies, Melbourne,<br />

Australia, July 2011<br />

Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Lars Beckmann<br />

Beckmann L.: Service-enabling and Parallelizing<br />

Standard Solvers. IFORS Conference,<br />

Melbourne, Australien, Juli 2011<br />

Dipl.-Math. Corinna Dohle<br />

Dohle, C.; Suhl, L.: Optimization of Usage of<br />

Water Tanks in Water Supply Systems. IFORS<br />

2011 Conference, Melbourne, Australien, Juli<br />

2011<br />

Dohle, C.; Suhl, L.: Planning the Usage of Water<br />

Tanks in Water Supply Systems by Combination<br />

of Optimization and Simulation. OR 2011 Con -<br />

ference, Zürich, Schweiz, August 2011<br />

Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Marc Naumann<br />

Naumann, M.; Suhl, L; Kramkowski, S.: A stochastic<br />

programming approach for robust<br />

vehicle scheduling in public bus transport.<br />

14th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on<br />

Transportation (EWGT), Poznan, Poland,<br />

September 2011<br />

Naumann, M.; Suhl, L.; Friedemann, M.: A<br />

Stochastic Programming Model for Integrated<br />

Planning of Re-fleeting and Financial Hedging<br />

under Fuel Price and Demand Uncertainty.<br />

IFORS 2011 -Conference for the International<br />

Federation of Operations Research Societies,<br />

Melbourne, Australia, July 2011<br />

Naumann, M.; Suhl, L.; Koberstein, A.: Robust<br />

Strategic Planning in the Airline Industry under<br />

jet fuel price and demand uncertainty. 73. Wis -<br />

senschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der<br />

Hochschullehrer <strong>für</strong> Betriebswirtschaft e.V.,<br />

Kaiserslautern, Germany, June 2011<br />

Naumann, M.; Suhl, L.; Koberstein, A.: Strategic<br />

Planning in the Airline Industry under jet fuel<br />

price and demand uncertainty. INFORMS<br />

Annual Meeting 2010, Austin, Texas, USA,<br />

November 2010<br />

Mariya Sodenkamp, M. Sc.<br />

Sodenkamp, M.: An integrated group multi-criteria<br />

decision process for strategic evaluation<br />

of suppliers and order allocation. Forschungs -<br />

kolloquium des Departments Wirtschaftsinfor -<br />

matik, 7. Juli 2011, Schloss Erwitte<br />

Dipl.-Medienwiss. Michael Steinmann<br />

Steinmann, M.: Reach for the STARS and unveil<br />

your cooperation potential. Presentation of the<br />

Erasmus Mundus proposal STARS. Poster session.<br />

EAIE Conference 2011. Copenhagen, Den -<br />

mark, September 13–16, 2011<br />

Steinmann, M.: Reach for the STARS and realize<br />

your WISHES. How to benefit from the Erasmus<br />

Mundus initiatives STARS and WISHES. Poster<br />

session. NAFSA Conference 2011. Vancouver,<br />

Canada, June 1–3, 2011<br />

WISHES Project: 4th WISHES Plenum Meeting.<br />

St. Petersburg, Russia, May 20, 2011<br />

WISHES Project: Challenges and Perspectives in<br />

Higher Education Mobility. Final dissemination<br />

conference of the Erasmus Mundus project<br />

WISHES. St. Petersburg, Russia, May 17–19,<br />

2011<br />

WISHES Project: Hands-on Seminar: Promote<br />

your Institution worldwide and free of charge.<br />

The Erasmus Mundus WISHES Portal. ERACON<br />

Conference 2011. Athens, Greece, April 27–30,<br />

2011<br />

Steinmann, M.: Bologna driven EHEA-ERA and<br />

VET mobility and placement strategies applica-

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