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As Amended Through 15 March 2013<br />

commerce, protection of vital sea lanes, and establishment of local military superiority<br />

in areas of naval operations. See also land control operations. (JP 3-32)<br />

sea echelon — A portion of the assault shipping which withdraws from or remains out of<br />

the transport area during an amphibious landing and operates in designated areas to<br />

seaward in an on-call or unscheduled status. (JP 3-<strong>02</strong>)<br />

sea echelon area — In amphibious operations, an area to seaward of a transport area from<br />

which assault shipping is phased into the transport area, and to which assault shipping<br />

withdraws from the transport area. (JP 3-<strong>02</strong>)<br />

sea echelon plan — In amphibious operations, the distribution plan for amphibious<br />

shipping in the transport area to minimize losses due to enemy attack by weapons of<br />

mass destruction and to reduce the area to be swept of mines. See also amphibious<br />

operation. (JP 3-<strong>02</strong>)<br />

SEAL delivery vehicle team — United States Navy forces organized, trained, and<br />

equipped to conduct special operations with SEAL delivery vehicles, dry deck shelters,<br />

and other submersible platforms. (JP 3-05)<br />

sealift enhancement features — Special equipment and modifications that adapt merchanttype<br />

dry cargo ships and tankers to specific military missions. Also called SEFs. See<br />

also Military Sealift Command; Ready Reserve. (JP 4-01.2)<br />

SEAL team — United States Navy forces organized, trained, and equipped to conduct<br />

special operations with an emphasis on maritime, coastal, and riverine environments.<br />

(JP 3-05)<br />

seaport — A land facility designated for reception of personnel or materiel moved by sea,<br />

and that serves as an authorized port of entrance into or departure from the country in<br />

which located. See also port of debarkation; port of embarkation. (JP 4-01.2)<br />

search — A systematic reconnaissance of a defined area, so that all parts of the area have<br />

passed within visibility. (JP 3-50)<br />

search and rescue — The use of aircraft, surface craft, submarines, and specialized rescue<br />

teams and equipment to search for and rescue distressed persons on land or at sea in a<br />

permissive environment. Also called SAR. See also combat search and rescue;<br />

isolated personnel; joint personnel recovery center; personnel recovery<br />

coordination cell. (JP 3-50)<br />

search and rescue numerical encryption grid — A predesignated ten-letter word without<br />

repeated letters used exclusively by recovery forces or isolated personnel to encrypt<br />

numerical data such as position, time, headings, etc., in a covert manner. Also called<br />

SARNEG. (JP 3-50)<br />

JP 1-<strong>02</strong> 253

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