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Appendix A As Amended Through 15 March 2013<br />

CCL communications/computer link<br />

CCLI computer control list item<br />

CCMD combatant command<br />

CCO central control officer; combat cargo officer; command<br />

and control office; contingency contracting officer<br />

CCOI critical contact of interest<br />

CCP casualty collection point; consolidated cryptologic<br />

program; consolidation and containerization point<br />

CCPDS command center processing and display system<br />

CCR closed circuit refueling<br />

CCRD combatant commander’s required delivery date<br />

C-CS communication and computer systems<br />

CCS central control ship; container control site<br />

CCSA combatant command support agent<br />

CCSD command communications service designator; control<br />

communications service designator<br />

CCT collaborative contingency targeting; combat control team<br />

CCTI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff commended<br />

training issue<br />

CCTV closed circuit television<br />

CCW 1980 United Nations Convention on Conventional<br />

Weapons; continuous carrier wave<br />

CD channel designator; compact disc; counterdrug;<br />

customer direct<br />

C-day unnamed day on which a deployment operation begins<br />

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention<br />

CDE collateral damage estimation<br />

CDERA Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency<br />

CDF combined distribution frame<br />

CDI cargo disposition instructions; conditioned diphase<br />

C di conditioned diphase<br />

CDHAM Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance<br />

Medicine<br />

CDIP combined defense improvement project<br />

CDIPO counterdrug intelligence preparation for operations<br />

CDLMS common data link management system<br />

CDM cable driver modem<br />

CDMGB cable driver modem group buffer<br />

CDN compressed dial number<br />

CDO command duty officer; commander, detainee operations<br />

CDOC counterdrug operations center<br />

CDOPS counterdrug operations<br />

CDP commander’s dissemination policy; landing craft air<br />

cushion departure point<br />

CDR commander; continuous data recording<br />

CDRAFSOF commander, Air Force special operations forces<br />

A-24 JP 1-<strong>02</strong>

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