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Appendix A As Amended Through 15 March 2013<br />

DOPMA Defense Officer Personnel Management Act<br />

DOR date of rank<br />

DOS date of separation; days of supply; denial of service;<br />

Department of State; disk operating system<br />

DOT Department of Transportation<br />

DOTEO Department of Transportation emergency organization<br />

DOTMLPF doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and<br />

education, personnel, and facilities<br />

DOW data orderwire; died of wounds<br />

DOX-T direct operational exchange-tactical<br />

DOY day of year<br />

DP Air Force component plans officer (staff); decisive point;<br />

Directorate for Policy Support (DIA); displaced person<br />

dp parachute drift<br />

DPA danger pay allowance; Defense Production Act<br />

DPAP Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy<br />

DPAS Defense Priorities and Allocation System<br />

DPC deception planning cell; Defense Planning Committee<br />

(NATO)<br />

DPEC displaced person exploitation cell<br />

DPI desired point of impact<br />

dpi dots per inch<br />

DPICM dual purpose improved conventional munitions<br />

DPKO Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UN)<br />

DPLSM dipulse group modem<br />

DPM dissemination program manager<br />

DPMO Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office<br />

DPO distribution process owner<br />

DPP data patch panel; distributed production program<br />

DPPDB digital point positioning database<br />

DPQ defense planning questionnaire (NATO)<br />

DPR display non-nodal routing<br />

DPRB Defense Planning and Resources Board<br />

DPRE displaced persons, refugees, and evacuees<br />

DPS data processing system<br />

DPSC Defense Personnel Support Center<br />

DPSK differential phase shift keying<br />

DR dead reckoning; digital receiver; disaster relief<br />

DRB Defense Resources Board<br />

DRe dead reckoning error<br />

DRL Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DOS)<br />

DRMD deployments requirements manning document<br />

DRMO Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office<br />

DRMS Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service; distance<br />

root-mean-square<br />

DRN Disaster Response Network<br />

A-48 JP 1-<strong>02</strong>

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