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Appendix A As Amended Through 15 March 2013<br />

GBU guided bomb unit<br />

GC general counsel; Geneva Convention; Geneva<br />

Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian<br />

Persons in Time of War<br />

GC3A global command, control, and communications assessment<br />

GC4A global command, control, communications, and computer<br />

assessment<br />

GCA ground controlled approach<br />

GCC geographic combatant commander; global contingency<br />

construction<br />

GCCC global contingency construction contract<br />

GCCS Global Command and Control System<br />

GCCS-A Global Command and Control System-Army<br />

GCCS-I3 Global Command and Control System Integrated<br />

Imagery and Intelligence<br />

GCCS-J Global Command and Control System-Joint<br />

GCCS-M Global Command and Control System-Maritime<br />

GCE ground combat element (MAGTF)<br />

GCI ground control intercept<br />

GCM global container manager;<br />

Global Information Grid (GIG) Content Management<br />

GCP ground commander’s pointer<br />

GCRI general collective routing indicator (RI)<br />

GCS ground control station<br />

GCSC global contingency service contract<br />

GCSS Global Command Support System<br />

GCSS-J Global Combat Support System - Joint<br />

GCTN global combating terrorism network<br />

GD Soman, a nerve agent<br />

GDF gridded data field; Guidance for Development of the Force<br />

GDIP General Defense Intelligence Program<br />

GDIPP General Defense Intelligence Proposed Program<br />

GDP General Defense Plan (SACEUR): gross domestic product<br />

GDSS Global Decision Support System<br />

GE general engineering<br />

GEF Guidance for Employment of the Force<br />

GEM Global Information Grid (GIG) Enterprise Management<br />

GENADMIN general admin (message)<br />

GENSER general service (message)<br />

GENTEXT general text<br />

GEO geosynchronous Earth orbit<br />

GEOCODE geographic code<br />

GEOFILE geolocation code file; standard specified geographic<br />

location file<br />

GEOINT geospatial intelligence<br />

GEOLOC geographic location; geographic location code<br />

A-64 JP 1-<strong>02</strong>

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