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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Eye Problems<br />

any.<br />

If you know of any other herb that would help my problem, please let me know.<br />

Thank you in advance.<br />

ANSWER: Oregon Grape Root, Latin Name: Mahonia aquafolium is a great alterative herb, helping the body to<br />

eliminate wastes and good for liver insufficiency, it is a strongly bitter herb with a active constituent called berberine.<br />

Berberine acts as broad spectrum antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral agents. It is an herb suggested for skin problems<br />

associated with congested liver problems.<br />

Herbs associated with Rosacea include:<br />

Figwort, Latin Name: Sacrophularia nodosa / S. marylandica<br />

Red Alder/Tag Alder, Latin Name: Alnus rubra/Alnus serrulata<br />

Gotu kola, Latin Name: Centella asiatica<br />


QUESTION: I have had congunctivitus for over ten years. I have tried everything. I had to give up my contacts after<br />

20 years and go to glasses. I work outside in Arizona and glasses don't work too well. Is there anything you could<br />

suggest that could cure or help me with this chronic condition?<br />

ANSWER: Conjunctivitis may also be called "pinkeye," because it is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the<br />

clear membrane that covers the eyeball.<br />

The eye may appear bloodshot, have crusty discharge and scratchy feeling like something is in the eye.<br />

Conjunctivitis can be caused by viral and bacterial infection such as germs which cause the <strong>com</strong>mon cold and the<br />

Herpes virus, allergies, environmental<br />

pollutants/irritants such as smoke or chemicals such as chlorine or contact lens solution, or injuries to the eye.<br />

<strong>Herbal</strong> teas/tinctures traditionally used have been applied to the eyes directly, or in <strong>com</strong>press or poultice form. Note:<br />

dilute alcohol based tinctures with saline water and thoroughly strain any preparations to be used in the eye, because<br />

particulates can irritate the eye and if absolute sterility is not assured,<br />

further serious infection may occur.<br />

Dr Christopher suggests a Cayenne Pepper eyewash preparation he sells, I have never tried it.<br />

The herbs Barberry, Oregon Grape and Goldenseal contain<br />

berberine, a substance with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. A pharmaceutical preparation is made based<br />

on berberine, that is routinely used in Germany for conjunctivitis.<br />

The herb calendula has anti-inflammatory and<br />

antiseptic characteristics and the orange carotenoids are specific to eye health.<br />

Chamomile has also been used to soothe conjunctivitis symptoms and is anti-inflammatory.<br />

It is suggested that those who suffer from chronic conjunctivitis have a Vitamin A deficiency, but this does not<br />

substantiate its use to treat or prevent the condition.<br />

Bee Propolis has also been used for this condition.<br />

Finally I would increase water intake to upwards a gallon a day (try to get a ounce for each body pound you way).<br />

Use vitamin C 5-10 grams or to bowel tolerance.<br />

Bilberry and Blueberry are specific to eye health.<br />

Finally George O. Dever, a holistic eye doctor from Seattle did a lecture at American <strong>Herbal</strong>ist Guild conference 1999<br />

and spoke on herbal and alternative approaches to eye treatment.<br />

You may want to get the proceedings from this conference<br />


QUESTION: I have a dear friend, 68 with adult onset diabetes and a history of cancer who has been told that she is<br />

developing glau<strong>com</strong>a and retinopathy. She has asked me what herbal protocols might halt the advance of this<br />

disease state. I immediately thought of Yarrow to assist in shrinking the capilaries near and around the eyes (along<br />

with many other healing benefits) but I would like to know what other herbal/nutritional protocols that you can advise. I<br />

will help her to sort through the information and get her anything necessary if I have not made the particular medicine<br />

myself.<br />

ANSWER: Eye problems are a major problem for the elderly and especially those with diabetes. For diabetics control<br />

of sugar levels is critical, adult onset can usually be corrected with weight loss and exercise. These supplements have<br />

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