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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Pregnancy/Fertility/Nursing<br />

One good reference on the web and a site you may wish to visit it is called The Natural Pharmacist www.tnp.<strong>com</strong>.<br />

Another great site for chemical constituents and actions of medicinal plants is Jim Dukes at<br />

http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/ Another good source for information is the herbal PDR written by the same <strong>com</strong>pany<br />

that writes the Physician Desk Reference on drugs, we carry it in our store if you would like to mail-order it. Another<br />

book for your library is called the Botanical Safety Handbook, Editors include Michael McGuffin, CHristopher Hobbs,<br />

Roy Upton, Alicia Goldberg, and Daniel Gagnon is listed in the Acknowledgements section. It is put out by the<br />

AMerican <strong>Herbal</strong> Products Asociation.<br />

We carry the PDR in our store and can get the Botanical Safety Handbook if you can't find them locally, we mail-order<br />

everyday.<br />

And now the herbs you asked about.<br />

Yellow Dock is used for inflammation of the skin, acne etc. It can stimulant a laxative effect so possible side effects of<br />

overuse include cramps, diarrhea, nausea. In addition, yellow dock contains oxalic acid so for those prone to kidney<br />

stones avoidance may be cautioned. In general Yellow Dock can cause nausea, use in small amounts, what it does<br />

do is help with mineral and nutrient absorption so it is excellent to <strong>com</strong>bine with highly nutritious herbs like nettles or<br />

horsetail taken as a tea of dry in pill or powder form.<br />

Echinacea is a immune potentiator and considered by some a blood cleanser, no contraindication in pregnancy have<br />

been established, It can cause mild GI upset or allergic reaction, no known herb drug interaction. It has been tested in<br />

high doses without toxicity.<br />

Sarsaparilla is used as an anti-inflammatory especially to the skin or connective tissue, good alterative which helps the<br />

body to increase elimination of toxins, can increase diuresis drink plenty of water, no contraindication in pregnancy<br />

have been tested. Generally known as non toxic.<br />

Burdock a great alterative, the sugars constituents of the herb slow the body's uptake of sugar from the GI tract, used<br />

in the popular herbal Cancer formulas called 1.) Hoxey and 2.) Essiac good for chronic conditions of the skin, caution<br />

is given for hypoglycemia when used in large amounts, Burdock root is eaten a vegetable in Japan on a regular basis<br />

without toxicity.<br />

Oregon Grape is used again as an alterative to cleanse the body re<strong>com</strong>mend for acne, psoriasis, eczema, its<br />

constituent berberine is used as an antibiotic, it is contraindicated in pregnancy because the berberine has been<br />

found as a uterine stimulant causing contraction in testing.<br />

Red Clover again is listed as an alterative, is re<strong>com</strong>mended for the treatment of acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other<br />

skin diseases, it is also used in cancer formulas, normally non toxic. It is listed on the FDA's GRAS (generally<br />

recognized as safe) list, and is consumed regularly in teas and as a wild food. However it has been shown to have<br />

blood-thinning and estrogen-like constituents and the general warning given is use by pregnant or nursing women<br />

should be avoided although safety levels have not been studied or established. A possible herb drug interaction could<br />

occur with blood thinning, anticoagulant drugs<br />

Black Cohosh is normally given to menopausal women for issues concerning this timeframe in their lives along with<br />

pain in muscles especially pain in the uterus for women, it is also indicated for doom and gloom depression associated<br />

with female reproductive issues or conditions, a contraindication for pregnancy is given because the herb can effect<br />

blood pressure either up or down idiosyncratically. It should also be taken with food because stomach upset seems to<br />

be a <strong>com</strong>mon side effect.<br />

Dong Quai this herb is generally regarded as nontoxic and is also used in FRS issue like Black Cohosh, it is<br />

contraindicated in pregnancy in at least the first trimester, use during pregnancy should be guided by a qualified<br />

herbalist.<br />

Chaste Tree is again an FRS herb, use during pregnancy is contraindicated because of a reported ability to lower<br />

prolactin levels. This herb does not contain phytoestrogens but works via the pituitary balancing FSH (folicle<br />

stimulating hormone) and LH (lutenizing hormone). It is used for elevated estrogen and normal to low progesterone<br />

OR normal estrogen and low progesterone hormone levels.<br />

Siberian Ginseng is considered an adaptogen helping the body deal with stress, it is considered safe and non toxic<br />

one side effect for some is over stimulation leading to insomnia<br />

Wild Yam is used for menstrual cramps, nausea, gas and diarrhea, it does not contain and human hormones it does<br />

contain chemicals which have structures which can be used as a starting point for chemists to produce synthetic<br />

human hormones, as of this writing there are no contraindication indicated or demonstrated for this herb but again<br />

there is little if any testing done.<br />

Fresh oats is a great nervine, building to the bodies nervous system food for it when we are pushing ourselves and<br />

burning the candle at both ends or have a nervous system problem, neurasthenia. It is considered non toxic and safely<br />

consumed as a food worldwide. The Contraindications are Celiac disease, high gluten allergy<br />

Horsetail is a great nutritive herb, builder to the skin, nails and hair, it is also a diuretic however it has been listed as<br />

contraindicated in pregnancy because the fresh herb has an enzyme that destroys B1, this is not so in the dry herb.<br />

The herb is also said to contain small amounts of nicotine also contraindicated in pregnancy.<br />

Fo-Ti is a bad <strong>com</strong>mon name it refers to several plants and several preparations of this herb, I will talk about the Latin<br />

Named: Polygonium multiflorum, FO-TI. This herb can cause a laxative effect and has been used for women because<br />

of its high iron content to help restore blood issues. It is used in a wide range of formulas in TCM<br />

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