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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Yeast Infections<br />

effects. Another <strong>com</strong>ponent, b-lapachone, continues to be investigated as an anticancer agent since it may have a<br />

better side-effect profile and acts similarly to a new class of prescription antitumor drugs.1 <strong>Herbal</strong>ists believe that the<br />

whole herb can produce equivalent benefits with fewer side effects, but this claim has never been properly<br />

investigated. Various ingredients in lapacho can also kill bacteria and fungi in the test tube.2 However, it is not yet<br />

clear how well the herb works for this purpose when taken orally<br />

What Is Lapacho Used for Today?<br />

Based on its traditional use and the fledgling scientific evidence, some herbalists re<strong>com</strong>mend lapacho as a treatment<br />

for cancer However, we do not endorse this usage. There is no good evidence that lapacho is an effective cancer<br />

treatment, and cancer is clearly not a disease to trifle with! Furthermore, the mechanism by which lapacho possibly<br />

works may cause it to interfere with the action of prescription anticancer drugs. Definitely do not add it to a<br />

conventional chemotherapy regimen without consulting your physician. Lapacho is also sometimes used to treat<br />

candida yeast infections, respiratory infections such as colds and flus, infectious diarrhea, and bladder infections.<br />

Note: Do not count on lapacho to treat serious infections.<br />

Dosage<br />

Lapacho contains many <strong>com</strong>ponents that don t dissolve in water, so making tea from the herb is not the best idea. It<br />

s better to take capsulized powdered bark, at a standard dosage of 300 mg 3 times daily. For the treatment of yeast<br />

and other infections, it is taken until symptoms resolve. The inner bark of the lapacho tree is believed to be the most<br />

effective part of the plant. Unfortunately, inferior products containing only the outer bark and the wood are sometimes<br />

misrepresented as "genuine inner-bark lapacho."<br />

Safety Issues<br />

Full safety studies of lapacho have not been performed. When taken in normal dosages, it does not appear to cause<br />

any significant side effects.3 However, because its constituent lapachol is somewhat toxic, the herb is not<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mended for pregnant or nursing mothers. Safety in young children or those with severe liver or kidney disease<br />

has also not been established.<br />

From the Mother Nature Website<br />

Pau d arco (Tabebuia impestiginosa)<br />

Common names: Lapacho, taheebo<br />

Parts used and where grown: Various related species of pau d arco trees grow in rain forests throughout Latin<br />

America. The bark is used for medical purposes.<br />

In what conditions might pau d arco be supportive?<br />

" infection<br />

" yeast infection<br />

Historical or traditional use: Native peoples in Central and South America reportedly use pau d arco bark to treat<br />

cancer, lupus, infectious diseases, wounds, and many other health conditions.1 Caribbean folk healers use the leaf of<br />

this tree in addition to the bark for the treatment of backache, toothache, sexually transmitted diseases, and as an<br />

aphrodisiac.<br />

Active constituents: Lapachol and beta-lapachone (known collectively as naphthaquinones) are two primary active<br />

<strong>com</strong>pounds in pau d arco. According to laboratory tests, both have antifungal properties as potent or more so than<br />

ketaconazole, a <strong>com</strong>mon antifungal drug.2 Although these <strong>com</strong>pounds also have anticancer properties, the effective<br />

dosage for this effect is toxic.3 4 Therefore, pau d arco cannot currently be re<strong>com</strong>mended as a treatment for cancer.<br />

How much should I take? Because the naphthaquinone active constituents are not water soluble, a tea from pau d<br />

arco bark is ineffective. Capsules or tablets providing 300 mg of powdered bark can be taken; usually three capsules<br />

are ingested three times per day. A tincture can be used in the amount of 0.5-1 ml, three times per day.<br />

Are there any side effects or interactions? High doses of lapachol can cause uncontrolled bleeding, nausea, and<br />

vomiting.5 Use of the whole bark is much safer than isolated lapachol-the whole bark has no known serious side<br />

effects.6 Pregnant or lactating women should avoid use of pau d arco.<br />

References:<br />

1. Duke JA. CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1985, 470-1.<br />

2. Guiraud P, Steiman R, Campos-Takaki GM, et al. Comparison of antibacterial and antifungal activities of lapachol<br />

and beta-lapachone. Planta Med 1994;60:373-4.<br />

3. Tyler VE. Herbs of Choice: The Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals. Binghamton, NY: Pharmaceutical Products<br />

Press, 1994, 180<br />

4. Oswald EH Lapacho. Brit J Phytother 1993/4;3:112-7.<br />

5. Duke JA. CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1985, 470-1.<br />

6. Oswald EH. Lapacho. Brit J Phytother 1993/4;3:112-7.<br />

Check the Web at Jim Dukes Ethnobotanical Database for Pau D' Arco for constituents and medicinal chemical<br />

activities of the plant.<br />

http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/duke/farmacy2.pl<br />

As to where can you buy this herb we carry it in our store and are glad to mail order it to you. Please Call!<br />

Here is some more information:<br />

If you are trying to get pregnant I would not use Pau d'Arco as cautioned above, if you want to use this herb then use a<br />

birth control method to stop chances of getting pregnant while on it. You may want to read my previous question and<br />

answer on pregnancy and getting pregnant for other ideas.<br />

In general lower your sugar and refined and processed white flour and wheat load, these simple sugars in diet<br />

increase chances of infection. Drink lots of water to continually flush your system. Reduce the consumption of fruit<br />

juices and sugar laden soda and drinks, some even say eliminate fruit in general. Diet plays a critical role clean it up<br />

<strong>com</strong>pletely see my other questions and answers on a simple change to eating using a 3 by 5 reminder card.<br />

Increase use of probiotics, or "friendly" bacteria, use a mixture of acidophilus, bulgaricus, and bifidus. The suggested<br />

daily dose should be in the range of 3 to 10 billion viable organisms. Look for refrigerated products.<br />

http://www.herbnet.<strong>com</strong>/ask%20the%20herbalist/ask...erbalist_questions%20on%20Yeast%20Infections.htm (2 of 3) [5/17/2004 9:08:30 AM]

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