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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Pregnancy/Fertility/Nursing<br />

I have to take this 10 pills twice a day for one month<br />

According to you are these herbs safe for consumption, and is it helpful to solve our problem. I appreciate your help<br />

and look forward to your response<br />

ANSWER: Unfortunately, I am not a Chinese herbalist, so I have no experience with Chinese herbs. Your best<br />

bet there is someone at the Chinese Herb store. I have found most Chinese proprietors of these establishments<br />

to be very knowledgeable. You didn't say if your wife has any fertility problems or has been tested. There are<br />

several herbs that are reputed to have very good success with increasing fertility in both men and women. I<br />

have several custom formulations that I make for this purpose and would be happy to make some for you if you<br />

are interested. I would caution you, however, not to take my preparations in conjunction with the Chinese<br />

medicines you are taken and there could be interactions that are unfavorable.<br />


QUESTION: My sister-in-law is adopting a newborn in June and is going to try to induce lactation naturally, so that<br />

she can breastfeed. Fenugreek and blessed thistle have been re<strong>com</strong>mended as herbs to promote lactation. Are there<br />

others which might help? How should they be used and at what amounts?<br />

ANSWER: Vitex, Hops, Nettle and Raspberry leaf are also good for stimulating milk production. Also, make sure she<br />

is drinking plenty of good water. I would make them into a tea and take them 3 to 4 times a day. Equal parts is fine. I<br />

have two excellent teas to encourage and enrich milk flow. If you are interested, please e-mail me with the word<br />

ORDER in your subject line.<br />


QUESTION: I am breastfeeding my 6 month old baby and have been having reocurring mastitis. I have been treated<br />

with antibiotics 5 or 6 times and it keeps <strong>com</strong>ing back. I am currently on garlic and lecitin. I need something to stop<br />

the bacteria, not necessarily to build the milk flow, if anything I have too much milk. Any ideas?<br />

ANSWERS: Mastitis can be caused by either a staph infection, or by an infectious yeast called Candida. The<br />

re<strong>com</strong>mended treatments for each are different, so confirm with your doctor the exact cause before attempting<br />

to treat. If you are nursing, Aloe gel and Calendula crème will help relieve pain and inflammation.<br />

Marshmallow Root, infused in water and allowed to steep overnight, added to a sink of warm water makes an<br />

excellent bath to immerse and massage the breasts. This will help relieve the pain and excess milk. Make sure<br />

the breasts are <strong>com</strong>pletely emptied. Nurse or pump at least once a day to reduce mil build up as this can<br />

contribute to ongoing mastitis.<br />

QUESTION: I am 12 weeks pregnant. Just going into my second trimester. I have been having some swollen glands<br />

and cold like symptoms. I was wondering what you thought about medicinal mushrooms during pregnancy. I would like<br />

to take Host Defense. I have been told it is safe, but wanted to ask. Also what<br />

about Astragalus root extract and Echinacea?<br />

ANSWER: Congratulations on your pregnancy! I don't have any knowledge of "medicinal mushrooms", so can't<br />

help you with that one, but I don't even re<strong>com</strong>mend aspirin to pregnant women. Have you spoken to your<br />

doctor? I am not familiar with "Host Defense" either. I tend to stick with the natural herbs taken in a tea or in a<br />

tincture. Some of the <strong>com</strong>pounds that folks are making up these days might cause more harm than good, so<br />

please be careful.<br />

All that said, there are several herbs that are considered "safe" during pregnancy. As always, consult your<br />

doctor before taking any medication, herbal or otherwise while you are pregnant. The following herbs may be<br />

helpful.<br />

Blessed Thistle Leaf - a liver tonic and simulates blood flow to the mammary glands and increases and enriches<br />

the flow of mother's milk.<br />

Burdock Root - full of vitamins and minerals. Also a very mild diuretic.<br />

Chamomile - this one is a must for pregnant women. It is calming, can help with morning sickness if mixed with<br />

Ginger and is high in calcium.<br />

Dandelion - Vitamin a, Calcium and iron. High in potassium and may help lower blood pressure<br />

Red Raspberry leaf - Considered "the" herb for pregnancy. It tones and nourishes the uterine muscles, is rich in<br />

vitamins and minerals and is high in iron. It enriches and increased the flow of milk, helps restore the system<br />

following childbirth and can be safely taken all 9 months long.<br />


QUESTION: I want to clean birth control out of my system can you tell me what to use? I have been told everything<br />

form goldenseal to green tea, I am not sure what to use?<br />

ANSWER: Chaste Tree Berry, Latin Named: Vitex agnus-castus has been effectively used to help women go off birth<br />

control pills and normalize their hormones. I would also suggest Raspberry, Latin Named: Rubus idaeus leaf to<br />

strengthen the uterus. Additionally, Helonious Root also called False Unicorn, Latin Name Chamaelirium luteum has<br />

also been used for women <strong>com</strong>ing of birth control pills.<br />

Other methods for detoxification would include alterative herbs which help increase elimination, sweating, fasting and<br />

juicing. I would seek a qualified holistic practitioner in your area for help.<br />

http://www.herbnet.<strong>com</strong>/ask%20the%20herbalist/as...erbalist_questions%20on%20Pregnancy_Nursing.htm (4 of 17) [5/17/2004 9:08:03 AM]

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