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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Pregnancy/Fertility/Nursing<br />

Use a fast or juice fast to cleanse your body of the chemicals and drugs you may need to do several. It will probably<br />

take several months up to a year. I am assuming you are not diabetic. If diabetic do not go on a fast, use a strict<br />

vegetarian diet and use vegetable juices to cleanse your body. You could also enlist the use of Alterative herbs, which<br />

help increase elimination. Watch what you eat try to eat only organic produce, meat, dairy etc. this will reduce your<br />

xeno-estrogen load, which may be a problem. Stay away from cleaning chemicals, fertilizers, paints, insecticides and<br />

herbicides etc.<br />

Here are some herbs which may help once you are ready again.<br />

Plant Name Helonia Root, False Unicorn Latin Name Chamaelirium leuteum<br />

False Unicorn Helps with Hormonal Infertility, hormonal imbalances, use with licorice, Dong qui, Shatavari. This<br />

<strong>com</strong>bination is also good for women <strong>com</strong>ing off of Birth Control or Fertility Drugs. Helps normalize the reproduction<br />

system. Use with Chaste Tree.<br />

To build blood and increase libido use<br />

Bu qu zhi Latin Name: Psoralea corylifolia and the herb Shatavari<br />

For the anxiety, stress, depression use chaste tree, blue vervain, Motherwort.<br />

If you feel you are depressed try Saint Johnswort, it will take upwards of 6-8 weeks to be fully effective.<br />

To build and strengthen your body.<br />

Use Raspberry Leaf before during and after your pregnancy. It is a Uterine tonic, builds the structural integrity,<br />

prepares uterus to recieve the egg, maintains the muscle tone of the uterus as it is stretched by the growing child. And<br />

after birth it will help reduce the uterus back to its prepregnancy size.<br />

To build your blood, strength etc.<br />

Use Horsetail, Alfalfa, Nettle leaf and a small amount of Yellow dock (yellow dock can cause nausea or upset<br />

stomach) or aquire a green super food drink mix. Take daily, if making a tea with the herbs heat them the night before<br />

allow to cool and then place in the refrigerator, the longer the herbs are in the water the more nutrients will pulled out.<br />

You can make a batch, 2 day supply at most, store the tea in the fridge, but daily preparation would be best. The green<br />

super food powder can be added to a morning smoothie or shake. Sprinkled on salad or steamed veggies.<br />

During the first trimester after getting pregnant, stop all treatments, except the folic acid. The raspberry leaf can be<br />

taken throughout. In your last 2-4 weeks before birth use a Mother's Cordial to prep your body for birth.<br />

For your husband you can try the following herbs they help to improve sperm count and motility and increase libido.<br />

Dong Chong Xia Cao, Summer Grass and Winter Worm, Latin name: Cordiceps sinensis<br />

He shou wu, Fo ti (very bad <strong>com</strong>mon name), Latin Name: Polygonium multiflorum<br />

Yin yan huo, lustful sheep and goat plant, Latin Name: Epimidium macranthum (use short term)<br />

Ashwaghanda Latin Name: Withania somnifera this is a great herb for stress reduction and calms you down.<br />

Wu wei zu, 5 flavor fruit, Schisandra berry Latin Name: Schisandra chinesis This one will normalize hormone function<br />

and will be slightly stimulating, less than caffeine but could cause a pickup feeling.<br />

Once you decide to start trying again, stop using the condom, enjoy your love making, it is not a job, or schedule to<br />

keep. Relax and let it happen. One point if you have done a basal temp diary, to pinpoint ovulation, start your love<br />

making 6 days prior and through ovulation. Most women conceive when lovemaking has occurred a couple days<br />

before ovulation, sperm can live several days in the female reproductive tract.<br />

AGAIN, For a Woman the herbs which can help are:<br />

Helonia Root, False Unicorn, Latin Name Chamaelirium leuteum<br />

Helonius is a strong female fertility herb it balances the female reproductive system.<br />

Chaste Tree can be used if there is a slight hormone imbalance, causing the infertility.<br />

Women with history of miscarriages should use uterine tonifying herbs for 3 - 6 months before conception. The help to<br />

tonify and increase the integrity of uterine tissue:<br />

Raspberry leaf (okay to continue in pregnancy)<br />

lady's mantle<br />

Partridge berry<br />

Once pregnant discontinue herbs, one exception is Raspberry, it has traditionally been used to tonify the uterus<br />

throughout and post delivery.<br />

IN GENERAL For a man the herbs that can help are:<br />

To increase sperm count and motility use kidney yang tonics:<br />

Morinda root, Bai ki tien<br />

Ashwuganda<br />

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