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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Women's Issues<br />


QUESTION: I have just been diagnosed as having a uterine cyst, which my doctor classifies as a cross between a<br />

cyst and a growth (it shows up as a mass of cells/blood? encircled by a lining), about 4 cm across in my uterus. it was<br />

there 6 weeks ago and seems to have grown abt a cm in the meantime. I am still waiting for blood results on cancer<br />

markers, but would like to know what herbs I could take to help, if it is indeed cancer. I am 29 yo and have a 15<br />

month-old child, I hope to have more children in the future.<br />

ANSWER: Without a clear diagnosis I cannot help but on a general level. Here is what I can provide right now.<br />

Herbs that have been used for cysts include<br />

Dan shen, Red Root Sage, Latin Named: Salvia miltiorrhiza<br />

Gui pi, Cinnamon (Chinese cinnamon not Ceylon), Latin Named: Cinnamonium cassia, C. quizhi (use twigs), C.<br />

rouqui(use thin young bark)<br />

Dang Qui, Tangkuei, Dong Quai, Latin Named: Angelica sinesis<br />

Mu dan pi, cinnabar skin, Tree Peony, Latin Named: Paeonia suffruticosa<br />

Xiang fu, Nut sedge, Chufa grass, Latin Name: Cyperus spp<br />

Xia ku cao, Self Heal, All Heal, Heal -all, Latin Name:Prunella vulgarus<br />

Blue Cohosh, Papoose Root, Squawroot, Latin Name: Caulophyllum thalictroides<br />

Saw palmetto, Latin Name: Serona repens<br />

Chaparrel, Latin Name: Larrea divaricata, L. Mexicana, L. tridentata<br />

Red Root, New Jersey Tea, Latin Name: Ceanothus americanus<br />

Angelica, Latin Name: Angelica archangelica, A atropurpurea<br />

Burdock Root, Latin Name: Arctium lappa, A. minor<br />

Chaste Tree, Monks pepper, Latin Name: Vitex agnus-castus<br />

Red Clover, Latin Name: Trifolium pratense<br />

Violet, Latin Name: Viola odorata, V. papillonacea, V. xeodensis<br />

Thuja, Flat cedar, Latin Name: Thuja occidentalis<br />

I have answered quite a few questions on herbal medicine and cancer you may want to read my other responses<br />

online. I would use immune modulating herbs and a formula called Fu Zheng.<br />


QUESTION: I am a 41 yr. old female who can't seem to get rid of a vaginal discharge.I've been checked by five<br />

different doctors, and all of them said I had a yeast infection. There is a clear to gray color with minimal itching. I have<br />

taken everything over the counter, but to no avail. I"ve also been giving stronger prescriptions, but still the discharge<br />

doesn't stop. Please help!<br />

ANSWER: What you are describing is called leukorrhea, it is sometimes associated with pregnancy. Leukorrhea is a<br />

white discharge from the vagina. Causes include: Trichomonas maginalis or chlamydia; Candida albicans or yeast<br />

infection; excess douching; vitamin B deficiency; antibiotic use; contraceptives; and intestinal worms. This condition is<br />

especially <strong>com</strong>mon in pregnant and diabetic women. Symptoms include: vaginal discharge, burning, and itching.<br />

Bloody discharge may be a symptom of more serious disorders.<br />

You may want to check for dietary connections, reduce refined and processed carbohydrates, sugar and dairy.<br />

Please get checked for diabetes or pregnancy before proceeding with any new therapies.<br />

Some herbs specific to Leukorrhea include<br />

Agrimony, Latin Name: Agrimonia spp<br />

Shan yao, Mountain Medicine, Chinese Yam, Latin Name: Dioscorea opposita/ D. batatas<br />

Bu qu zhi, Latin Name: Psoralea corylifolia<br />

For mucopurulent discharge<br />

Uva Ursi, Bearberry, Kinninnik, Latin Name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi<br />

Wild Indigo, Latin Name: Baptisia tinctora this one needs to be used with caution<br />

For infections<br />

use garlic, Echinacea, barberry, Oregon grape, Coptis<br />


QUESTION: Please let me know...is there any cream, lotion or medicine for small sized breasts? and explain how<br />

does it work?<br />

ANSWER: I know of no herbs or <strong>com</strong>bination of herbs in pill, tea, tincture, salve, ointment or other form that can truly<br />

help with this issue.<br />

That said, I will tell you that most of the products on the market use herbs or herbal <strong>com</strong>bination that normally have the<br />

action of increasing milk flow in nursing mother's. These herbs such as Fennel, Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle and<br />

Goat's Rue have also had anecdotal references to increased breast size for these nursing mother's but this is<br />

explained as the following: their milk flow increases so their milk glands increase to produce the increased flow and<br />

store the milk until use, this is associated to these nursing mother's breast enlargement. Whether any of these herbs<br />

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