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Herb Uses R, S, T Herbs<br />

Scammony Root (Ipomoea orizabensis ) One of the most effective purgatives known producing copious watery<br />

evacuations. In large doses it causes considerable pain, and its preparations should not be used by those suffering<br />

from gastric or intestinal inflammation.<br />

Scarlet Pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) Not used much by medical herbalists today, scarlet pimpernel has diuretic,<br />

sweat-inducing, and expectorant properties. As an expectorant, it was used to stimulate the coughing up of mucus<br />

and help recovery from colds and flu. It has been used to treat epilepsy and mental problems for 2,000 years, but<br />

there is little evidence to support its efficacy. A tincture prepared from the fresh plant is used to treat skin eruptions and<br />

ulcers, also as a cholagogic and diuretic. The whole herb can be taken internally or applied externally as a poultice. An<br />

infusion is used in the treatment of dropsy, skin infections and disorders of the liver and gall bladder.<br />

Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris ) Scot's pine has quite a wide range of medicinal uses, being valued especially for its<br />

antiseptic action and beneficial effect upon the respiratory system. It may be used in cases of bronchitis, sinustitis or<br />

upper respiratory catarrh, both as an inhalant and internally. It may also be helpful in asthma. The stimulating action<br />

gives the herb a role in the internal treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. Scots pine branches and stems yield a thick<br />

resin, which is also antiseptic within the respiratory tract. It is a valuable remedy in the treatment of kidney, bladder<br />

and rheumatic affections, and also in diseases of the mucous membranes. Externally it is used in the form of liniment<br />

plasters and inhalers. The leaves and young shoots are antiseptic, diuretic and expectorant. They are used internally<br />

for their mildly antiseptic effect within the chest and are also used to treat rheumatism and arthritis. There is a tradition<br />

of adding the twigs to bath water to ease nervous debility and sleeplessness, as well as aiding the healing of cuts and<br />

soothing skin irritations. The seeds are used for bronchitis, tuberculosis and bladder infections. A decoction of the<br />

seeds may be applied to suppress excessive vaginal discharge.<br />

Screwpine (Pandanus odoratissimus) Screwpine is restorative, antihydrotic, deodorant, indolent and<br />

phylactic, promoting a feeling of wellbeing and acting as a counter to tropical lassitude. A useful adjunct to<br />

oral hygiene as a breath sweetener, it is also used in local ritual, its sweetness symbolizing man’s better<br />

qualities. Externally used as a poultice for boils (leaf bud)<br />

Scurvy Grass (Cochlearia officinalis ) The young plant, which has a general detoxicant effect and contains a wide<br />

range of minerals is taken as a spring tonic. Like watercress, it has diuretic properties and is useful for any condition<br />

in which poor nutrition is a factor. It can be used in the form of a juice as an antiseptic mouthwash for canker sores,<br />

and can also be applied externally to spots and pimples. Blood purification cures use it as an essential ingredient. An<br />

infusion of 8 parts leaves, 3 parts alcohol and 3 parts water, concentrated to two-thirds of its original volume, is an<br />

effective remedy for toothache when used on a cotton ball. The fresh leaves are used in the treatment of rheumatics,<br />

dropsy, white fluor (vaginal discharge) and constipation.<br />

Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) Sea buckthorn berries are very high in vitamin C. They have been used<br />

to help improve resistance to infection. The berries are mildly astringent, and a decoction of them has been used as a<br />

wash to treat skin irritation and eruptions. Medicinal uses of sea-buckthorn are well documented in Asia and Europe.<br />

Investigations on modern medicinal uses were initiated in Russia during the 1950's. Preparations of sea-buckthorn oils<br />

are re<strong>com</strong>mended for external use in the case of burns, bed sores, and other skin <strong>com</strong>plications induced by<br />

confinement to a bed or treatment with X-ray or radiation. Internally, sea-buckthorn is used for the treatment of<br />

stomach and duodenal ulcers. In the United Kingdom and Europe sea-buckthorn products are used in aromatherapy.<br />

Research in the late 1950's and early 1960's reported that 5-hydroxytryptamine (hippophan) isolated from<br />

sea-buckthorn bark inhibited tumor growth. More recently, clinical studies on the anti-tumor functions of sea-buckthorn<br />

oils conducted in China have been positive. Sea-buckthorn oil, juice or the extracts from oil, juice, leaves and bark<br />

have been used successfully to treat high blood lipid symptoms, eye diseases, gingivitis and cardiovascular diseases<br />

such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Sea-buckthorn was formally listed in the "Pharmacopoeia of<br />

China" in 1977. The tender branches and leaves contain bioactive substances which are used to produce an oil that is<br />

quite distinct from the oil produced from the fruit. Yields of around 3% of oil are obtained. This oil is used as an<br />

ointment for treating burns. The fruit is astringent and used as a tonic. The freshly-pressed juice is used in the<br />

treatment of colds, febrile conditions, exhaustion etc. The fruit is a very rich source of vitamins and minerals, especially<br />

in vitamins A, C and E, flavonoids and other bioactive <strong>com</strong>pounds. It is also a fairly good source of essential fatty<br />

acids, which is fairly unusual for a fruit. It is being investigated as a food that is capable of reducing the incidence of<br />

cancer and also as a means of halting or reversing the growth of cancers. The juice is also a <strong>com</strong>ponent of many<br />

vitamin-rich medicaments and cosmetic preparations such as face-creams and toothpastes. A decoction of the fruit<br />

has been used as a wash to treat skin irritation and eruptions.<br />

Sea Holly (Eryngium maritimum) Sea holly is used as a diuretic. It is prescribed as a treatment for cystitis<br />

and urethritis, and taken as a means to alleviate kidney stones. It is unlikely that the herb actually dissolves<br />

established stones, but it probably helps retard their formation. Sea holly is also used to treat enlargement or<br />

inflammation of the prostate gland, and may be of benefit in treating chest problems. It will ease colic due to<br />

urinary problems as well as reducing hemorrhage.<br />

Sea Wormwood (Artemisia maritima) These flower heads are especially effective against Ascaris lumbricoides,<br />

which are nematode worms similar to earthworms, white in color, that frequently infest the intestine of children. These<br />

flowers have also proven effective against other intestinal parasites. Its medicinal virtues are similar to wormwood, A.<br />

absinthum, though milder in their action. It is used mainly as a tonic to the digestive system, in treating intermittent<br />

fevers and as a vermifuge<br />

Seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera ) The fruits have been used to reduce fever. The roots have been used to treat<br />

diarrhea. The bark yields an extract known as “Jamaica kino,” used to treat dysentery. A gum from the bark is used for<br />

throat ailments.<br />

Sedge (Cyperus rotundus ) Important in traditional Chinese medicine and also used in Ayurvedic medicine.<br />

Bittersweet herb that relieves spasms and pain, acting mainly on the digestive system and uterus. Internally used for<br />

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