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Herb Uses - C, D, E Herbs<br />

painful area. To treat cramps, mix equal parts of chamomile flowers and silverweed to make a tea. Chamomile is a<br />

classic remedy for teething pains in children. For this, use chamomile in its homeopathic form or as teething tablets.<br />

Chamomile, Roman (Chamaemelum nobile) A remedy for the digestive system, Roman chamomile is often used<br />

interchangeably with German chamomile. However, an infusion of Roman chamomile has a more pronounced bitter<br />

action than its German namesake. It is an excellent treatment for nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and loss of appetite.<br />

It is also sedative, antispasmodic and mildly analgesic, and will relieve colic, cramps, and other cramping pains. By<br />

stimulating digestive secretions and relaxing the muscles of the gut, it helps normalize digestive function. Roman<br />

chamomile may also be taken for headaches and migraine, even by children. Its anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic<br />

properties make it helpful for irritated skin.<br />

Chaparal (Larrea tridentata ): Chaparal is used for treating such ailments as: tuberculosis, bowel <strong>com</strong>plaints,<br />

stomach ulcers and bowel disorders, cancers, and colds and flu. It is found to be beneficial to the walls of<br />

capillaries throughout the body, and so are good to take regularly in cases of capillary fragility. Chaparal<br />

contains N.D.G.A.. It is responsible for inhibiting several enzyme reactions, including lipo oxyginase, which is<br />

responsible for some unhealthy inflammatory and immune-system responses. It has been shown to reduce<br />

inflammatory histamine responses in the lung, which is good news for asthma sufferers. N.D.G.A. is one of the<br />

most highly anti-oxidant substances known to man. Several types of tumors, such as those in uterine fibroids<br />

and fibrosystic breast disease, can be helped immensely by a concentrated extract of the plant. Chaparal can<br />

improve liver function, causing the liver metablolism to speed up, clearing toxins, and improving the livers'<br />

ability to synthesize fatty acids into high density lipids (HDLs....the good quality cholesterol). The low density<br />

lipids levels (LDLs....the poor quality cholesterol) decrease. The strong anti-oxident effects of Larrea t. appear<br />

to repair free radical damage caused by drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines.<br />

External uses of the herb include poultices placed on aching joints, and the tea or a fomentation (applied<br />

several times per day and left on the area) for such things as ringworm, skin fungi, and athletes' foot. Has also<br />

been used for reducing fibroids A study in the Journal of Dental Research showed chaparral mouthwash<br />

reduced cavities by 75%.<br />

Lipoxygenase and 5-hydroxyeicosatatraenois acid are usually high in the synovial fluid of arthritis<br />

sufferers which means Chapparal’s ability to inhibit these can help here as well. Larrea contains active<br />

flavonoids and ligans that, in addition to being anti-oxidants, act as antifungals, antibiotics, and antivirals. It is<br />

in this last capacity, as an antiviral that prompted investigations into its ability to inhibit the spl promoter HIV<br />

and as an inhibitor of Herpes simplex-1 in cell cultures; as well as Kaposi's sar<strong>com</strong>a virus. Clinical evaluations<br />

consisted of testimonies from close to 36 persons. Larrea was prepared as an extract in an aloe-based lotion and<br />

was effective in reversing symptoms in nearly all cases of HSV-1 and shingles within 12-24 hours and in<br />

greatly reducing the severity of sores from Kaposi's sar<strong>com</strong>a in people in full-blown AIDS. The lotion proved to<br />

work faster and to be more effective than acyclovir, the main drug for herpes.<br />

When applied to the skin as a tea, tincture, or salve, Chaparral slows down the rate of bacterial grown<br />

and kills it with its antimicrobial activity. Chaparral will also help dry skin, brittle hair and nails and cracks in<br />

the hands or feet.<br />

Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus ) Back in the 17 th century, herbalist Gerard wrote that the seeds and leaves<br />

helped with pain and inflammation of the uterus. The hormonelike substances found in the seeds help to correct<br />

female hormonal imbalances, such as those that can occur during menopause, premenstrual syndrome, or<br />

menstruation, and also help dissolve fibroids and cysts. German researchers suggest the berries increase production<br />

of luteinizing hormone and prolactin. Another study adds the increase of the hormone progesterone to the list. The<br />

seeds do stimulate mother’s milk flow as shown in a clinical study when 100 nursing mothers taking chaste seeds<br />

were <strong>com</strong>pared to those who were not. Christopher Hobbs suggests its use during the first 3 months only of<br />

pregnancy to help prevent miscarriage and, with ginger, to allay morning sickness. Chaste berries can help regulate<br />

periods when there is excessive or too frequent bleeding. It also reestablishes normal ovulation after contraceptive<br />

pills have been used. In women without ovaries, chasteberry appears to lessen extremes of hormonal imbalance,<br />

perhaps through indirect effects on the endocrine system, liver and circulation. Women with PMS with significant<br />

depression should probably steer clear of chasteberry. Some research suggests that PMS with depression is caused<br />

by excess progesterone, and chasteberry is said to raise progesterone levels. Chasteberry may help some women<br />

trying to conceive if infertility is due to low progesterone levels. Most of the research has been done on a chaste berry<br />

extract called Agnolyt. When 53 women with excessive bleeding and short menstrual cycles were given this product,<br />

65% showed improvement and about 47% were cured. Those over age 20 experienced the most improvements.<br />

Other studies with Agnolyt found the chaste berry helps control acne in both young women and young men.<br />

Chebulic Myrobylan (Terminalia chebula)....Laxative and astringent, the fruit gently improves bowel regularity<br />

without excessively irritating the colon. Like Chinese rhubarb, chebulic myrobalan may be used as a treatment for<br />

diarrhea and dysentery. The fruit’s tannins protect the gut wall from irritation and infection, and tend to reduce<br />

intestinal secretions. Likewise, the fruit helps to counter acidic indigestion and heartburn. A decoction of chebulic<br />

myrobalan may be used as a gargle and mouthwash, as a lotion for sore and inflamed eyes, and as a douche for<br />

vaginitis and excessive vaginal discharge. The dried fruits and seeds are prescribed in Ayurvedic medicine for such<br />

illnesses as dermatosis, edema, and urinary infections. It is also considered an excellent blood purifier. Finely<br />

powdered, it is used as a dentifrice, and for bleeding or ulcerated gums. Coarsely powdered and smoked in a pipe, it is<br />

used to relieve asthma. TCM: Indications: Chronic diarrhea and dysentery; prolapse of rectum; asthma and coughs<br />

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