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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Pregnancy/Fertility/Nursing<br />

herb has demonstrated few side effects produced with longterm use. One side effect which it has been known to<br />

cause, is upset stomach, so take with food if this concerns you. Some say it can take 4-6 weeks for Black Cohosh to<br />

show its full benefits so take it for that long before determining its effect on you. I would suggest a fresh or freshly dry<br />

root alcohol based extract.<br />

St John&#8217;s Wort, Latin Named: Hypericum perforatum has been well known recently as the antidepressant<br />

herb. Today's scientific testing proves its abilities to fight mild to moderate depression and seasonal affected disorder<br />

(SAD) and what used to be called melancholy. It mixes well with Lemon Balm. Full effects are seen in 4-6 weeks,<br />

give it this long to work. A fresh or freshly dried flowering tops herb extract is best, I would avoid a standardized<br />

extract and use a whole plant alcohol based extract.<br />

Lemon Balm, Latin Named: Melissa officinalis is a gentle herb found in most gardens or in the wild. This herb is a<br />

mood elevator used for mild depression caused by SAD or to get one out of the blues. It is excellent in <strong>com</strong>bination<br />

with St John's Wort. This herb can be taken as a tea or a alcohol based extract from the fresh or fresh dried herb.<br />

Lemon Balm tea is easy to make and good tasting. Oral usage of Melissa is on the FDA's GRAS (generally<br />

recognized as safe) list. There are no known drug interactions.<br />

Rosemary, Latin Named: Rosemarinus officinalis is another great herb for depression and mood lifting, it helps pickup<br />

the mind and is also good for memory, foggy thinking. It is also a great antioxidant and good carminative calming<br />

digestive issues. Rosemary can be taken fresh or dry as a tea or an alcohol based extract.<br />

You may want to start with Lemon Balm or a <strong>com</strong>bo of Lemon Balm and St John's Wort.<br />

See my other answers online about depression.<br />

Kava Kava or Awa Awa, Latin Named: Piper methysticum is used as an antianxiety agent and mixes well with<br />

Motherwort and or Blue Vervain. Kava is a little more volatile and prone to some interaction with other meds, it is<br />

normally considered safe when used appropriately. One warning <strong>com</strong>es from The German Commission E monograph<br />

warns against the use of kava during pregnancy and nursing, unfortunately this document is not well cited and no<br />

source for this warning is given.<br />

Blue Vervain, Latin Named: Verbena hastata is another great women's herb, it is appropriately used for irritation and<br />

irritabillilty and anxiety associated with female reproductive issues, such as pregnancy, menses, PMS, or menopause.<br />

It is a good muscle relaxant, antispasmodic and muscle aches. It is great in <strong>com</strong>bination with Kava Kava and or<br />

Motherwort.<br />

Motherwort, Latin Name: Leonurus cardiaca This herb is good for hormonal changes, anxiety, irritability and<br />

moodiness or mood swings, use in <strong>com</strong>bination with Blue Vervain. It is also used for problems of the heart either<br />

physical or emotional, it relieves what the Chinese refer to as disturbed shen and helps relieve those who are stressed<br />

out.<br />

I would probably start with Blue Vervain or a <strong>com</strong>bo of Blue Vervain, Motherwort and/or Kava.<br />

I would also try to find someone to talk to about your issues, some times just talking with someone helps out, find a<br />

friend or talk to your clergyman. Take some time for yourself, when you feel anxious or stressed out. Take a moment<br />

and do some deep breathing exercises, you will be amazed how they can calm you down, concentrate on your breath,<br />

take a long 20 second if you can breath in, then hold it as long as you can upwards to 20 seconds then exhale for 20<br />

seconds. Five breaths of 20 in, 20 hold and 20 out will calm you down and reset all you body functions so your ready<br />

to go again. Do this exercise 3 times a day or whenever you feel out of control to get a grip, hope this helps.<br />


QUESTION: I am past my due date and have heard that taking goldenseal can induce<br />

labor, is this true? If so how much are you suppose to take? Will it hurt<br />

the baby? I do not have a midwife I have a private doctor and am planned<br />

to deliver in a hospital setting, he wants to induce with pitocin and I had<br />

a c-section with my last baby one year ago and I have heard that pitocin<br />

can cause uterus abruption?? So I don't want to chance going that way, if I<br />

can go a natural way I would much rather prefer to do that. Any knowledge<br />

that you have on this situation would be greatly appreciated.<br />

ANSWER: I would not use Goldenseal for this use. Try Evening Primrose Oil, internally and intravaginally with the<br />

assistance/agreement of your DR it is a natural prostaglandins, which are normally the first course of treatment when<br />

the doctors want to induce, depending on your due date and other factors. I would also try to find a local midwife to<br />

consult with if you have time.<br />

Please read my other answers to this same question online<br />


QUESTION: Is there a herb that will help dry up breast milk after delivering a<br />

baby. Please let me know if there is.<br />

ANSWER: Sage and White Sage are the best.<br />


http://www.herbnet.<strong>com</strong>/ask%20the%20herbalist/a...rbalist_questions%20on%20Pregnancy_Nursing.htm (11 of 17) [5/17/2004 9:08:03 AM]

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