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Ask the <strong>Herbal</strong>ist_questions on Pregnancy/Fertility/Nursing<br />

Nettles is nutritive as the leaf building the body and blood because it is highly nutritious, It is a diuretic but builder to<br />

the kidney as the seed helping to restore structure and function when kidney are failing and can trophorestore them,<br />

As the root this herb is indicated with Saw Palmetto to help with BPH issues. No contraindications are given<br />

Squaw Vine is a <strong>com</strong>mon name used for several plants, one is Blue Cohosh, Latin Named: Caulophyllum thalictroides<br />

it is usually used in the last weeks of pregnancy to prepare the uterus for delivery, it is indicated for ovarian pain and<br />

inflammation in small joint from arthritis. A second plant with the <strong>com</strong>mon name squaw vine is Latin Named Mitchella<br />

repens Valued for its use in symptoms related to pelvic congestion. Painful menstruation (before onset) with heavy or<br />

clotted bleeding. Delayed or absent period. Chronic vaginal discharges. Hemorrhoids. Pelvic conditions with fluid<br />

congestion. A Native American-inspired tonic given in the last trimester of pregnancy for easy labor.<br />


QUESTION: I was recently in a health store and the clerk was telling me about a powerful fertility dose called<br />

dragons eggs have you ever heard of this? She was real evasive and was saying it caused multiple births and then got<br />

real tight lipped. Any truth here?<br />

ANSWER: I have never heard of this product and can find any research to familiarize myself with the ingredients. If<br />

you cannot determine the ingredients, I would not ingest any product, including this one. The vagueness does not give<br />

me a warm and fuzzy feeling about this product and without more to go on, my advice is to avoid its use.<br />

Read my other answers online about pregnancy and getting pregnant.<br />


QUESTION: I want to ripen my cervix to prepare for labor. I used cohosh with my first child and was 4cm dilated<br />

when I went in. I can not remember if it is blue cohosh or black cohosh that does this. I have also heard of using<br />

evening primrose oil vaginally and orally. Which one would be better and how much would you use?<br />

ANSWER: Blue Cohosh, has been used traditionally to start a poky labor and prep a woman for delivery.<br />

According to a CNM friend of mine, Evening Primrose Oil is given in the last couple weeks of pregnancy to soften the<br />

cervix. She re<strong>com</strong>mends 1-2 caps up to 3 times a day. She has also seen them used intravaginally, apply at night so<br />

they dissolve inside you while you sleep and don't fall out. The EPO is a natural prostaglandin. Prostaglandin are<br />

used as the first step during induction for women who do not go into labor on their own.<br />

My wife used a product called Mother's cordial, she was in labor for 2 1/2 hours with our first child, quick and fairly pain<br />

free. For more information You can read about this product and my other answers online about questions asked on<br />

pregnancy and labor/delivery which have been asked in the past.<br />


QUESTION: Hi my husband and I are trying to conceive a child and i just cant stand or take the normal course of<br />

hormone therapy I went through 3 months of clomid and almost became single again, I was moody and such I have<br />

very irregular cycles and have been tested for everything, My uterus and tubes are clear but I just don't ovulate ,my<br />

husbands sperm tested excellent so the problems lie with me and I am 31 and have diabetes and high blood pressure<br />

and also a thyroid problem is there any thing you re<strong>com</strong>mend that will get me to ovulate<br />

ANSWER: The following herbs have been used for ovulation problems<br />

Nu Zhen zi, Shiny Privet, Ligustrum fruit, Latin Named: Ligustrum lucidum<br />

Blue Cohosh, Latin Name: Caulophyllum thalictroides in small amounts.<br />

Helonia Root, (False Unicorn), Latin Name Chamaelirium leuteum works well with Chaste Tree for women <strong>com</strong>ing off<br />

birth control medications to normalize hormones.<br />

If you are going to use this one make sure of the Latin name for proper identification, there are other <strong>com</strong>monly named<br />

plants with Unicorn or even False Unicorn as their name.<br />

Read my other answers online about this issue.<br />


QUESTION: I have a mild post partum depression (anxiety and anger) and I am still nursing my ten month old. I want<br />

to remedy the PPD with herbs instead of Zoloft, Paxil, etc. My midwife<br />

advised St. John's wort and kava kava. Can I take these in conjuNction with<br />

each other so that it won't affect the baby negatively? What other herbs<br />

can be taken safely and in what <strong>com</strong>binations? Any advice you may have<br />

would be appreciated!<br />

ANSWER: Unfortunately many herbs have not been well studied for the question you ask, the general warning you will<br />

see on most is Safety in young children, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease has<br />

not been established. The key being it has not been established, most warnings are theoretical at best, herbs have<br />

been used for millenium and most modern day uses are traced back to the original uses.<br />

Here are some herbs which have been used effectively for depression.<br />

Black Cohosh, Latin Named: Cimicifuga racemosa is a great herb connecting female reproductive issues and nervous<br />

system issues such as Post Partum Depression, I would look at this herb as a good choice. Modern day testing of this<br />

http://www.herbnet.<strong>com</strong>/ask%20the%20herbalist/a...rbalist_questions%20on%20Pregnancy_Nursing.htm (10 of 17) [5/17/2004 9:08:03 AM]

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